Check the output voltage limits on the converter, typically they’ve been well 
within an FLA battery’s absorb voltage window. It’s basically a trickle charger 
between the two banks. Used this from 48 v to 12 v also, Solar Converters were 
the ones. Is BZ Products still around?

The part of this that I haven’t done was to add a solar array to the smaller 
battery bank also. Don’t see anything wrong with that as each controller will 
maintain the battery bank voltage just fine. 


Chris Worcester

Solar Wind Works

NABCEP PV Installation Professional

Office 530-582-4503

Cell 530-448-9692


From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf 
Of Ray
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2020 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] combining 24v and 12v systems


How do you insure proper charge voltage to the 12 v set?  Never tried that one.

Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760

On 1/2/20 1:37 PM, Chris Worcester wrote:

I would like to add that you don’t need to get rid of the 12 v battery bank, 
but use it for the high amp draw buffer, like a large capacitor. Then use the 
DC to DC converter between the two battery banks. Done this for years on 
multiple off grid systems.  


Chris Worcester

Solar Wind Works

NABCEP PV Installation Professional

Office 530-582-4503

Cell 530-448-9692


From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf 
Of Tom Duffy
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2020 8:55 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] combining 24v and 12v systems


Agree!  use a Victron DC to DC Converter


Kind regards


Tom Duffy

Senior Solar Design Engineer


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you get the Time and Money to fix it?



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From: RE-wrenches  <> 
<> On Behalf Of Allan Sindelar
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 6:51 PM
To: RE-wrenches  <> 
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] combining 24v and 12v systems


Agreed: no 12v tap. I’ll add (with modest experience, as this doesn’t come up 
as an upgrade very often any more) that Mean Well, despite the odd name, proved 
itself pretty reliable in some early Wattsun tracker drives and some other 
DC-DC applications. Available online; see


On Dec 31, 2019, at 10:46 AM, Dan Fink <> wrote:

I second everyone. Center-tapping a 24 or 48v battery bank for 12v SEEMS like 
it should work just fine, especially for low load infrequent use like a 12v 
water pressure pump for a greenhouse, a weather station, etc.. Nope, I've been 
a loser every time, with that battery or pair always the first to go bad.


Samlex and Victron both make DC-DC converters I have had good luck with; they 
are thermally protected and you can stack multiple units for more amperage.

Dan Fink

Executive Director, Buckville Energy Consulting

NABCEP PV Associate

NABCEP Certified PV System Inspector

IREC Certified Instructor™ for: 

~ PV Installation Professional

~ Small Wind Installer

NABCEP Registered Continuing Education Providers

d <>





On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 10:57 AM Ray <> wrote:

Even with battery balancers, battery tapping is still a really bad idea.  I 
know, I did it on my own system in the 90s.  The DC/DC converters are the way 
to go, but be sure and over size it by a fair amount to handle the fridge 
starting surge.  Unfortunately my favorites are no longer available: made by 
Solar Converters in Canada. I've seen them last decades.  Iota should be good 
stuff, their chargers have long term reliability.  Samlex inverters have been 
around for quite a while too, but I don't have long term experience with their 

Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760

On 12/31/19 10:05 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote:

Tapping a battery bank is not a good practice. it will unbalance the bank. Much 
better to add a 24V electronic converter for the 12V loads. Then replace the 
12V loads when time permits. They will need a spare converter so buy 2. Amazon 
has tons of these converters. Your quote is great BTW. H N Y !

Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines don't"
text 209 813 0060

On Tue, 31 Dec 2019 11:52:20 -0500, Chris Schaefer  
<> <> wrote:

G'day and Happy New Year to All, 


Recently came across this offgrid OB FX system. The first part is a 12v battery 
system w/ 2 PV modules, 2 Trojan L16  batteries used to power a frig and 
freezer about 6 years old. The second is a 24v with 3kw of PV, 4 Trojan L16's, 
twin OB FX inverters installed by an HVAC contractor back in 2016. This was 
their first offgrid project. Oh boy, lol. The client would like to add more 
battery capacity to both. My thought here is since we are powering only a 12v 
frig and freezer why not simplify the system by creating a single battery bank 
and then tapping off of the 24v bank using proper fusing and creating a 12v 
buss? Admittedly I live in a 48v world so I'm asking our esteemed colleges as 
to options on how to address this. 


Oh yeah, the installer is unresponsive (no surprise there) and they are also 
having firmware issues with an old Mate 3 and would like me to install a new 
Mate 3s but that's another issue I'll tackle when I head out to site. 


Thanks All,


Chris Schaefer's
 <> Image removed bysender.
Tel/Fax 585-229-2083 or Cell 585-748-1870 
5115 South Hill Road ~ Canandaigua New York 14424 ~ E-mail:

Image removed bysender.

Thomas Jefferson, the author of our great Constitution, once said, "democracy" 
will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and 
give to those who would not."




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