A Sunny Island (SI) will export excess energy to the grid when the
battery voltage is driven above its target voltage (IE absorb or float)
so in the case of using a Classic or any other charge controller, the
charge controller needs to be set to a higher voltage than the SI.
Typically I recommend setting the SI charge voltages about 1v lower than
your Charge controller.
The issue with using the Midnite MNSICOMM is the SI tells the classic
what to charge to so it never pushes the battery
voltage above the setpoint, therefore it never sells.
On 2/18/2019 7:54 AM, Mac Lewis wrote:
Hi Brad,
I have heard that the selling from the Midnite charge controllers
doesn't work real well. There is a MNSI comm box so it may be the
best way (certainly the cheapest). Does anyone have experience with
this scenario, good or bad?
Thanks for your input as always
On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 8:27 AM Bradley Bassett <bbasse...@gmail.com
<mailto:bbasse...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I think you can leave it DC coupled and enable grid tie in the
Sunny Island inverters. It might not be quite as efficient but a
lot more cost effective. If you don't already have it Midnite
makes a comm box that makes the Classic look like an SMA device.
That might be helpful to coordinate MPPT and grid tie.
On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 5:19 AM Mac Lewis <maclew...@gmail.com
<mailto:maclew...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hello Wrenches,,
We have been asked to take an SMA Sunny Island System that is
off-grid, and convert it to a backup system (Quad stack).
Currently, this is a DC coupled system using Midnite charge
controllers. We would like to add SMA grid-tied inverters to
backfeed excess power. I have located this document:
According to this document, there really isn't Sunny Boy
inverters available that can function as a backup for a system
like this. Is this true?
Do you know of any distributors that may have stock of the SB
XXXXTLUS-12 line of inverters that would work for this.
Thanks for your assistance
Mac Lewis
"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates
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Mac Lewis
"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates
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