Esteemed Wrenches, and Outback; Please let me know if you have experienced
this problem and even better if you have any solutions.

I have a wonderful off-grid client near a tiny Colorado town, and the
internet connection comes in via's pretty reliable. But the
Cable company set up whole-house internet via powerline, little white boxes
that plug into the 120VAC outlets with a LAN cable to the routers, one of
which deals with both the OpticsRE interface and the RESOL solar thermal
logging and is hard-wired. We got both going on the same powerline router,
but the screen shot below shows the horrible reliability. Now the RESOL
system is having problems on the web, also.

All this modern data is layered on the 120VAC output of a marvelous old
Trace SW. The home is 2 foot thick concrete and stucco walls layered with
rebar inside and out, not wifi-friendly.

My suggested solution is just wifi extenders.

Has anyone else tried to do OpticsRE over a powerline router connection
offgrid on antique Inverter power?

Best regards;

Dan Fink
Professor of Solar Energy Technology, Ecotech Institute
IREC Certified Instructor™ for:
~ PV Installation Professional
~ Small Wind Installer
Executive Director, Buckville Energy
NABCEP Registered Continuing Education Providers™
NABCEP PV Associate


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