Someone on this group once told me (2003-4?), one of the main reason requiring that all PV Home Runs be installed in metal conduit was to reduce RF interference.. Withing a year or so it was required for other reasons.


Dan Brown
Foxfire Energy Corp.
Renewable Energy Systems

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Ham Radio interference
From: "Glenn Burt" <>
Date: Sun, September 23, 2018 6:31 pm
To: "'RE-wrenches'" <>, "'Mac Lewis'"

I found the issue – April 2016 edition of QST magazine. It is the cover story and describes a Solar Edge installation and the mitigation experience – they quoted about 10% of the system installed costs could be expected to be needed to quiet the RF noise created by the PV system.
I have a modest amateur radio station at my home, and a few modules using M250 microinverters about 20’ away on the side of my detached garage in an awning style. I definitely measure increased RF noise on the ham bands during the daytime when the system is operation – I just choose to adapt my radio usage around the inconvenience, operating after sundown, or for limited times and bands during the daytime. I am only using 100 Watts of power for my transmitter.
So that is one of the two possible concerns with PV and amateur radio – how does a PV system affect the use of a ham radio.
The other concern is how will a 1500W transmitter in close proximity to a PV system affect the operation of the solar electric system. Unfortunately I have no firsthand experience with this, however I see posts on other groups that indicate poor interaction.
From: RE-wrenches <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2018 6:58 AM
To: Mac Lewis <>; RE-wrenches <>
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Ham Radio interference
Hi Mac,
A while back the magazine QST which is published by the Amateur Radio Relay League had an article written by a ham detailing his experience in quieting a rooftop array. I am pretty sure it was microinverters based.
Anyway he ended up with a substantial number of toroidal chokes on most conductors if I recall. Sounded labor intensive and definately not free.
Good luck.
Sent from my 'smart' phone so please excuse spelling and typos.
------ Original message------
From: Mac Lewis
Date: Sat, Sep 22, 2018 7:36 PM
To: RE-wrenches;
Subject:[RE-wrenches] Ham Radio interference
Hi Wrenches,
I've got a proposal out there for about a 11.5 kW grid-tied system.  We are planning on using Enphase IQ 7+ inverters.  Quick question, this guy has a pretty large Ham Radio setup operating at 3-30 MHz.  He has a directional antennae that can push 1500W sometimes.  Has anyone had any issues with Ham radio problems with these inverters?  With either the radio setup or the inverter?
He asked me if it would be an issue and I told him I'd look into it.  I will contact enphase as well.
Mac Lewis
"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates

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