Agreed, use long term off grid manufacturers gear, I can’t recommend 
reinventing the wheel.
3 am phone calls suck !

Bob ellison

> On Sep 7, 2018, at 1:23 PM, Ray <> wrote:
> I would highly recommend using proven equipment from the long term off grid 
> companies: Magnum, Midnite, Outback, Schneider, etc. and stick with a DC 
> coupled array and lead acid batteries for now.  I just got back from 
> inspecting two Li+ off grid systems done by a GT dealer, and I saw numerous 
> issues that included the charge controllers not agreeing with the BMS system, 
> the BMS system monitoring having numerous programming and connectivity 
> issues, the battery overall being vastly undersized, the manufacturer (Adara) 
> dropping support for their battery, and the customers being hopping mad.  
> Most off grid folks own guns; not a good combination to walk into.
> My advice, is that if an installer hasn't lived off grid and/ or dedicated 
> their practice to off grid systems, they should stay out of it and quit 
> ruining peoples' lives.  GT is usually never a life or death matter, but Off 
> grid can be, when they are snowed in with no fridge, no water, no heat, and 
> no communications.  Reliability is goal #1, Simplicity is #2. 
> Good Luck,
> Ray Walters
> Remote Solar
> 303 505-8760
>> On 9/7/18 11:03 AM, Kristopher Schmid wrote:
>> Wrenches,
>> I am trying to design a Pika off-grid system.  The issue is that they 
>> currently have no way to charge from a generator.  Has anyone ever installed 
>> one set up for zero grid export and connected the generator to the grid 
>> input?  
>> Would LG chem or another manufacturer be a better choice?
>> Thanks,
>> Kris
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