We've had gen sets at 11,000 ft and way below zero start on propane for decades without using the block or water heaters. Ridiculous electric heating loads on the other hand are a very bad idea off grid.  Just make sure the propane supply lines are large enough so the pressure regulator doesn't freeze up.

Ray Walters

Remote Solar

On 4/9/18 2:46 PM, Michael Morningstar wrote:
Yes, the Cummins technician that commissions our generators insists that locations with consistent low’s below 15F require the coolant heater. All but two of my installs(outdoor) have omitted connecting the heater, and have seen some brief sub-0 temperatures but generally average mid-30s. One of the two that does have the heater connected, is located at a high elevation telecom site, and when I serviced the system after not being there for a couple of winters, it was found that someone had shut off both the battery charger circuit and the coolant heater circuit and the generator didn’t seem worse for the wear, and no coolant temp codes were thrown.

On Apr 9, 2018, at 1:14 PM, David Katz <dk...@backwoodssolar.com <mailto:dk...@backwoodssolar.com>> wrote:

Check to see if it has a 120 vac requirement to float the battery. The 20 kw one I have has a big electrical drain

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 11:50 AM jay <jay.pe...@gmail.com <mailto:jay.pe...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    HI All,

    I’ve got a new project wanting a 22-25kw single phase 120/240vac
    water cooled propane sound attenuated generator for an off grid
    situation.  I’m not going to be
    With AGS activation.

    I”ve been looking at the Kohler 24 RCL ( meets all the above
    criteria) but I’m checking to see if I can get it to work with 2
    wire AGS.

    Onan also has one as well.

    Are there any other make/models that people would recommend or
    would caution me against?



    peltz power

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