What has been the reliability issue with Grundfos?  I have not had any
problems with them other than the above ground electronics.

A side question, has anyone found a small (1/2hp) above ground household
pump that is soft start and reasonably priced?

> My well driller-well pump guy is offering Sta-Rite pumps manufactured by
> Pentair [as in Pentair water filtration they seem to be buying lots of
> water
> related companies].
> I am curious as to feedback on these, has anyone used them?
> Soft start, digital controls, easy programming, stainless steel, 3-year
> warranty, & includes a pressure transducer, so no pressure switch
> required.
> My pump guy says he has only had 1 issue on 1 pump in serval hundred
> installed. Almost sounds too good to believe.
> A bit less $ retail than a Grundfoss but supposedly a whole lot more
> reliable.
> A 1 HP motor 20 GPM pump draws 4.7 Amp/240 VA as it hits a 60 psi cutout
> [1,128 watts peak] though I will set to 30/50 psi.
> Comments please.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dana Orzel                       Great Solar Works, Inc.
> 208.721.7003                       d...@solarwork.com
> Idaho Contractor - # 028765          Idaho PV # 028374
> NABCEP # 051112-136                       www.solarwork.biz
> "Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines don't"
e-mail  offgridso...@sti.net
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