Dan Fink wrote at 07:37 AM 9/21/2016:
I and others recently finished working with IREC on developing an online basic solar training program for firefighters. It's live online on the IAFF website and is free. I'm in a remote location now with only satellite email and don't have the link but it's something like iaff/pv safety.
I also offer a NABCEP registered CEU train the trainer class for pv installers contact me off list.
I will try to address some topics brought up in this thread as this horrible internet service permits.....and can do so in detail when I'm back in civilization next week.
On Sep 20, 2016 11:25 AM, < > wrote:
- Hey Charles, would you direct me to your reference "youâll notice that foam does not work and should not be used."? I've found reference in this and other articles that states roughly 'like tarps, foam can not be relied upon to completely reduce array voltage to zero', but no where can I find the statement that states for the average Fire Fighter, a heavy foam is not a fast, safe and effective method of reducing array voltage in a PV array in an emergency situation - using equipment readily available. IMHO 20VDC is much preferable to 480VDC.
- Thank You. db
- Â
- Dan Brown
- Foxfire Energy Corp.
- Renewable Energy Systems
- (802)-483-2564
- NABCEP #092907-44
- -------- Original Message --------
- Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Fire fighters safety class
- From: Charles Picard < >
- Date: Tue, September 20, 2016 1:27 pm
- To: " " < >
- Cc: ""
- <>
- Hi Dave,
- Â
- These are some great questions youâre asking, and youâve prompted some interesting responses. Iâve been partnered up with a career firefighter for the past 2yrs teaching this subject, and have a few thoughts for you:
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- Review the NFPAâs recommended best practices for interactions with PV, you can find that free training here
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- The training is based on this research:"">
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- That will get you headed in the right direction. As my colleague says, you can still âPut the wet stuff on the red stuffâ but you need to understand the rules youâre playing by. This study does address how arrays may be de-energized, youâll notice that foam does not work and should not be used.
- Â
- Youâll likely find the level of understanding on Li-Ion technology is woefully lacking, even amongst PV industry professionals. If youâre going to tackle the subject, I recommend doing a little research on the types of construction and chemistries used. Too often folks lead their presentations with exploding hoverboards or stories about the FAA ban. In reality these are apples to oranges comparisons. For the Powerwall specifically, they have published an Emergency Response Guide that is publically available. They have also released results of a burn-test study that is very informative.
- Â
- There are a few YouTube videos floating around as well. Captain Matt Paiss has some publicly available, and recently collaborated with the IAFF and IREC to create some online training content that looks very good.
- Â
- Feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
- Â
- Â
- Charles Picard
- Sr. Compliance Engineer | SolarCity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- t:Â Â Â Â 518.380.6628
- m:Â Â 508.965.0144
- RI A-004714 REPC-119, CA CSLB 888104, MA HIC 168572/EL-1136MR. Click here to view our complete list of license numbers by state.
- Â
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