I've had so many Enphase failures it's kind of ridiculous. We install most of 
our systems near the ocean so corrosion has played a big factor. The newer 
micro inverters are holding a much better, 215 and 250's. I have learned over 
the years that SMA makes the best product, and I mostly stick with them. 
Sometimes micro inverters are requested or really fit the installation 
particulars, so I still use them occasionally. I haven't yet tried solar edge.

Michael D Nelson
MD Electric & Solar, Inc.
707-684-0064 mobile
707-884-1862 office
Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 13, 2016, at 6:23 PM, Rebecca Lundberg <rebecca.lundb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Esteemed wrenches,
> I'm hoping the experience of this list can help give us a broader perspective 
> on the current market performance and as a secondary concern, tech support 
> (or lack thereof), from solar micro-inverter manufacturers.
> Are others having much trouble with micro-inverters? We have had repeated 
> issues with several different brands on our systems in Minnesota:
> - 8 Enphase systems with mostly M210 and M215, have had to repeatedly go back 
> to sites to replace units. The new replacement ones seem to be lasting better 
> (we sure hope they will). Enphase is harder to contact in recent years, but 
> we're happy they at least provide a predictable stipend. Are you also having 
> to replace a lot of this brand of product? Are the newer models holding up 
> better?
> - We gave a new inverter busbar design concept a try (tenKsolar) and though 
> the micro-inverters were supposed to take turns and be 'redundant,' the ones 
> with APS micro-inverters needed 100% replacement and the ones with Lead Solar 
> micro-inverters have a problem where if one of them fails it appears to send 
> a signal to all the rest so the entire busbar stops working -- in action it's 
> far from redundant. When we purchased the tenKsolar Rais Inverter Bus (RIB) 
> the spec sheet didn't tell us what brand of micro-inverter they would use as 
> the OEM so we couldn't research the viability of the product or company or 
> warranty stipend (or lack there-of) of the micro-inverter OEM. We assumed it 
> was a tenKsolar product and they would provide warranty replacements, 
> service, and tech support, but our experience has been far from that. When 
> something goes wrong tenK says 'it's not our product that's failing' because 
> they don't actually manufacture the micro-inverter (it's an OEM), the 
> micro-inverter company says 'it's not our product' because tenKsolar has it 
> wired and used in a very unique manner specific to the tenKsolar product, so 
> both manufacturers are backing away from any responsibility. A 25-year 
> warranty on the inverter busbar is a great concept but if/when something goes 
> wrong there is no support and no apparent warranty at all except maybe they 
> will send us a new component that needs several hours of work to re-install, 
> so either the installer does the warranty work for free or the customer has a 
> very unexpected expense to get their system back up and running a year or two 
> after it was installed; we think both scenarios are unacceptable (from our 
> installer perspective :-), do any of you have experiences you can share here?
> I'm wondering if the climate in MN makes us an anomaly. Based on these 
> micro-inverter experiences we feel like the Rapid Shutdown rule has forced us 
> to use dc optimizers on residential applications whether we want to or not -- 
> is that pretty much what all of you are doing too? 
> Rebecca Lundberg
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