However, in this case, Peter's installing lots of 120 vac branch circuits, so all of those neutrals will be carrying full current (unless they are shared neutral circuits). Mike Holt's exception would apply to 240vac circuits if they had a neutral. Further, Holt's exception would not be applicable on any off grid system that was 120 vac only.

R.Ray Walters
CTO, Solarray, Inc
Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
Licensed Master Electrician
Solar Design Engineer
303 505-8760

On 4/24/2016 12:58 AM, James Rudolph wrote:
Straight from Mike Holt:

*Neutral Conductor*

The neutral conductor of a 3-wire single-phase 120/240V system, or 4-wire 3-phase 120/208V or 277/408V wye-connected system isn’t considered a current-carrying conductor.

The neutral conductor of a 3-wire circuit from a 4-wire 3-phase 120/208V or 277V/480V wye-connected system is considered a current-carrying conductor.

When a 3-wire circuit is supplied from a 4-wire 3-[phase wye-connected system, the neutral conductor carries approximately the same current as the ungrounded conductors.

The neutral conductor of a 4-wire 3-phase circuit is considered a current-carrying conductor where the major portion of the neutral load consists of nonlinear loads. This is because harmonic currents will be present in the neutral conductor, even if the loads on each of the 3 phases are balanced.

Nonlinear loads supplied by 4-wire 3-phase 120/208V or 277/480V wye-connected systems can produce unwanted and potentially hazardous triplen harmonic currents (3rd, 9th, 15th, etc.) that can add on the neutral conductor. To prevent fire or equipment damage from excessive harmonic neutral current, the designer should consider increasing the size of the neutral conductor or installing a separate neutral for each phase. see 210.4(A) FPN, 220.61 FPN 2, and 450.3 FPN 2.

Grounding (earthing) and bonding conductors aren’t considered current carrying.

For individual dwelling units or one-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings, Table 310.15(B)(6) can be used to size 3-wire single-phase 120/240V service or feeder conductors (including neutral conductors) that serve as the main power feeder. Feeder conductors are not required to have an ampacity rating greater than the service conductors [215.2(A)(3)].

Warning: Table 310.15(B)(6) doesn’t apply to 3-wire single-phase 120/208V systems, because the grounded neutral conductor in these systems carries neutral current even when the load on the phases is balanced [310.15(B)(4)(6)]. For more information on this topic, see 220.61(C)(1).

/Grounded Neutral Conductor Sizing./ Table 310.15(B)(6) can be used to size the grounded neutral conductor of a 3-wire single-phase 120/240V service or feeder that serves as the main power feeder, based on the feeder calculated load in accordance with 220.61.

Because the grounded neutral service conductor is required to serve as the effective ground-fault current path, it must be sized so that it can safely carry the maximum fault current likely to be imposed on it [110.10 and 250.4(A)(5)]. This is accomplished by sizing the grounded neutral conductor in accordance with Table 250.66, based on the total area of the largest ungrounded conductor [250.24(C)(1)].

aloha and happy trails...

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Peter Parrish < <>> wrote:


    I agree about the subpanel in the house situation. The customer is
    a bit eccentric, and I have tried to bring him around. And I have
    explained to him that his approach will be more expensive. He
    doesn’t care. In the end, there is no safety risk. So I’ll plan
    for 4 branch circuits per conduit and take the 0.70 derating.

    - Peter

    Peter T. Parrish, Ph.D.

    President, SolarGnosis

    1107 Fair Oaks Ave.

    Suite 351

    South Pasadena, CA 91030

    (323) 839-6108 <tel:%28323%29%20839-6108> <>

    <>] *On Behalf Of
    *William Miller
    *Sent:* Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:25 AM
    *To:* RE-wrenches
    *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Does a Neutral Count as a CCC


I think it is a mistake to not locate a sub-panel in the house. Running branch circuits 45 feet to a separate building is not
    efficient or practical.

    Voltage drop:  1% VD is a choice, not a requirement. Code requires
    3% on feeders and 5% cumulative on AC branch circuits.   I like to
    use 1% for average voltage drop for PV because of the cost of
    wasted PV energy.  I am more lax on AC circuits.  If I calculate a
    PV feeder for 1%, that drop will occur only occasionally, when
    peak solar is achieved.  Analyze your load or charging profiles
    and look for a calc that provides the chosen VD for average use.
    Analyzing PV energy curves over a given day, approximately 50% of
    the energy is under the bell curve.

    Neutrals are current carrying.  Try powering a 120VAC load without
    one and you will see what I mean.

    William Miller

    Gradient Cap_mini
    Lic 773985 <>
    805-438-5600 <tel:805-438-5600>

    <>] *On Behalf Of
    *Peter Parrish
    *Sent:* Thursday, April 21, 2016 8:57 AM
    *To:* 'RE-wrenches'
    *Subject:* [RE-wrenches] Does a Netral COunt as a CCC

    I am working with a customer who is doing a complete remodel and
    addition to his house: stripped to the open studs and floor
    joists, and rafters. Not a wire in the house. We have designed a
    14.4 kWp PV system with 16 kW of storage for backup and load
    shifting. The main panel, inverters, critical load subpanel and
    batteries are all going to be in the garage which is about 45 feet
    from the house. The customer and I have identified the critical loads.

    The GC is running conduit from the main house to the garage. I
    have been given seven (7) 1-1/2” PVC conduits, and I am currently
    doing conduit fill, ampacity and voltage drop calculations for the
    branch circuits that represent the critical loads.

    So I have two questions:

    (1)Should I stick to a <1% voltage drop on all circuits?

    (2)Do 120 V neutrals count as current carrying conductors? I think
    they do, but the electrician stated quite emphatically that  they
    didn’t. I thought that the derating calcs for CCCs were based
    solely on ohmic losses and phasing was not taken into account.

    Does the NEC provide guidance on this latter situation?

    -Peter Parrish

    Peter T. Parrish, Ph.D.

    President, SolarGnosis

    1107 Fair Oaks Ave.

    Suite 351

    South Pasadena, CA 91030

    (323) 839-6108 <tel:%28323%29%20839-6108> <>

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James B. Rudolph*
*Haleakala Solar* *
*Director of Construction*
*NABCEP Certified PV Installer # 091209-155


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