Thanks for the input on SolarEdge.  We finally sorted the issue out.  Turns
out somehow we got the wrong optimizers from our distributor - the details
are a bit cloudy since it was over a year ago.  But the short is we had
optimizers with Amphenol connectors, and "Hosiden" brand MC4 connectors on
the REC modules.  Apparently (we were told by the distributor at the time
of install) that Amphenol and MC4 mate just fine.  And we got confirmation
from Solar Edge that they usually do mate fine.  But the Hosiden brand MC4
that comes on the REC modules are about 1/100" off from MC4 brand MC4's,
and while they mate great with MC4 brand (this is all documented), they are
a bit wide for Amphenol and will heat and stretch over time and eventually
create a small short in the connector, effectively frying the optimizer.

So even with manufacturer's and distributor's blessings we will only be
using matching brands of connectors from now on!  I have to say that our
lower level tech support from SE was a bit lacking this time around, but
once we got moved to the higher level team they were great.  Took a bit of
kicking and screaming (and 3 trips to swap out failed optimizers) to get
there, though.  Thankfully it seems like SE still has a good track record
of reliability even in our neighborhood!



We?ve had a similar experience as Carl has on this. We have 929 kW of SE up
and running (mix of commercial and residential, so roughly 2000 actual
optimizers) with only a handful of DOA?s or infant mortalities (total of
maybe 10-15 so far). Service is reimbursed just like you say (does not
truly cover the cost, unless the job is next door). But it has not happened
enough, or in any sort of pattern for us to have gotten riled up about it
so far.

Daniel Young,

NABCEP Certified PV Installation ProfessionalTM: Cert #031508-90

From: RE-wrenches [] On
Behalf Of Carl Adams
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 12:17 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Solar Edge Optimizer failures


We've been installing the Solar Edge product for a few years now and are
experiencing good reliability.  I think we have had 2 optimizers which were
DOA from the factory.  One was completely dead the other had a 25% reduced
output.  No problems with warranty replacements.

With Regards

Carl Adams, SunRock Solar

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Lena Wilensky <>

We've had a strange set of recurring failures from one Solaredge install.
It's a straightforward 5kw system with 20 x REC 255W modules and P300-5 SE

System was commissioned in 11/2014 and ran fine for about 6mo.  At that
time one optimizer failed - gave module short circuit voltage on the
optimizer output when disconnected from the rest of the array.  Nothing
visibly wrong.  Rest of the array worked fine.

About 3mo later (this past august), 2 more optimizers failed.  We gave
Solaredge an earful, but they were only willing to send replacements for
the 2 newly failed units and 2 spare optimizers for future failures.  Same
failure apparently with high output voltage from the optimizer when
disconnected from the array.  They said they had never heard of this
happening multiple times and would do an optimizer autopsy.

We just had another one fail 2 weeks ago.  They apparently tested the 2
failed ones from august and found no water intrusion on the optimizer or
connectors.  This is all the testing they can do in the US for these potted
units.  They recently sent the failed units to Israel to test them, but
don't expect results for at least 6mo or more.  Solaredge claims they've
never seen anything like this and so far they have refused to send
replacements for the rest of the "good" optimizers in the array claiming
that the optimizers may not be the issue.  Really?

Anyone heard of or seen any "batch" failures of these optimizers?  Or have
a good contact at Solaredge?  I'm about ready to swap in an SMA inverter at
this point, and stay away from module level anything from now on.  We're going
to have to triple our prices to pay for all this warranty work, as
Solaredge only gives $25/optimizer and $100/incident to "help" with labor

Thanks for any insight....

Lena Wilensky

NABCEP Certified PV Installers:
Cert.#031310-177, #R02907-17
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