Hi Todd

Yes the XW, Radian, FXR versions and the RE version from magnum
Have generator support. 

But that isn't what I was talking about in my last post. 


Peltz power. 

> On Jan 15, 2016, at 2:37 PM, toddc...@finestplanet.com wrote:
> the old sw inverters had something called "generator support", where if the 
> loads exceeded the generator's output, the inverter would forego charging and 
> sync with, and assist the generator's output.
> the fx series does not offer this.
> do the radian, xw or magnum inverters do this?
> thanks,
> todd
> On Friday, January 15, 2016 2:08pm, "Kevin Pegg" 
> <kp...@energyalternatives.ca> said:
> Hi Jay,
> Thanks for your information. That generator mode sounds like an excellent 
> feature. I guess it is time to give the Radian an opportunity.
> re: XW+ generator charging - interesting point as I was recently trying to 
> get an XW+ 6048 to play happily with an under-sized Honda EU6500 generator 
> and after hrs of tweaking was only able to make it successfully connect 
> without overloading the generator when input amps were set to 2/3 of 
> generators rated continual output. It would be nice to have a slower ramp up 
> to 100% charge rate - something they should be able to do via updated 
> firmware if anyone cared.
> re: XW Power Distribution Panel. I will take credit for that! The first 
> prototype they showed us had these tiny wee little junction boxes reminiscent 
> of DR/SW days that was always lots of fun to cram in several # 6 conductors 
> (ideally when frozen). I lobbied hard for a huge box, and ultimately the end 
> product turned out quite well.
> Kevin
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On 
> Behalf Of jay
> Sent: January-15-16 12:15 PM
> To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] battery-based inverter
> HI Kevin,
> I agree that tech support hasn’t been the been the best with OB, I do think 
> its getting better.
> As to the charger issues.  The radian has a generator mode that as long as 
> its within voltage limits will use any frequency or harmonics and take it all 
> out.  Amazing.  I wrote here some months ago about a radian that ran the 
> house just fine, but with generator not.  And the generator by itself not 
> either.  But in the generator mode, it was perfect.  And its the only 
> inverter out there with this feature I know of.
> And I’ve also just had to work on a set of new XW+ units. They seem to hit 
> the generator super hard on connection.  I had to set the total connection 
> watts to be quite low to make them work.  And that was after very long tech 
> support, that was no help at all. I think there just wasn’t anything they 
> could do.  The customer is having to install a much larger generator to make 
> his chargers work at higher settings.
> A few other thoughts about these two inverters.
> Radian is field repairable, XW not
> Radian has easy firmware upgrades, XW definitely not
> Radian has built in WWW access.  XW need addition hardware
> Radian has built in AGS, XW not
> Mate 3 easier to use than SCP.  Now I know this will be a huge argument,  but 
> try walking a customer through the AGS on a mate 3 vs SCP
> Generator mode on radian is amazing.  
> For the XW positives.  The XW BOS is large, easy to wire and will handle 3 
> inverters and 4 CC. I love that box.
> Vs the GS box which frankly is a joke.
> So I choose the Radian.  its not perfect, but.
> Jay
> peltz power
> On Jan 15, 2016, at 11:59 AM, Kevin Pegg <kp...@energyalternatives.ca> wrote:
> Interesting thread. Our firm wrote off Outback products several years ago for 
> two reasons:
> 1) beyond abysmal tech support - when we have a problem we need to talk to a 
> skilled, knowledgeable tech, not some kid reading off a script designed for 
> end users; or to sit around for a call back that never happens. 
> 2) ongoing power quality problems when the inverter was in charge mode via 
> generator, some more sensitive loads would not operate, causing customers 
> complaints. Does this still continue with the radians? 
> It is nice to hear that the radians install ok, though luck is not something 
> I like to count on working in the remote bush. I am more interested in Radian 
> installs that were challenging, and was Outback there to expeditiously 
> resolve the issues and have a happy customers?
> My bias is towards the XW series. Our firm was involved in the design and 
> initial product testing of the XW system. It was a bit rocky at the start, 
> but has been a relatively stable product. The ability to remotely monitor and 
> program a customer's system is a big plus for a lot of our remote clients.
> The two big complaints I have with the XW is the useless battery capacity 
> meter. I know there is an add on module available now but have not tested 
> that. Customers wonder why I put tape over the capacity indicator lights on a 
> brand new inverter. And the other is long term stability. We find in remote 
> automated unattended hybrid cycle charge sites that the inverter will at 
> least once a year screw up, resolved by a power cycle. So we just make it 
> part of maintenance routines to reboot the systems when we are onsite for 
> planned service.
> We use SMA Sunny Island product for larger industrial projects. More 
> expensive, more difficult to set up, more difficult to program - but once 
> they are up and running solid with no issues and they take better care of 
> batteries through a smarter charging algorithm.
> Kevin
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On 
> Behalf Of john.blittersd...@gmail.com
> Sent: January-14-16 6:36 PM
> To: RE-wrenches <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org>
> Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] battery-based inverter
> Kirk,  I agree with Peter.  I have installed several Radians with good luck.  
> I installed one SI and it worked ok but was more expensive and very time 
> consuming to install.  Did one XW and would never do it again.  Never has 
> worked right.
> John
> Central Vermont Solar & Wind
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 7:37 PM, Peter Parrish <peter.parr...@calsolareng.com> 
> wrote:
> My 2 centavos. Stick with them. I prefer their approach over SMA.
> -        Peter
> Peter T. Parrish, Ph.D.
> President, SolarGnosis
> 1107 Fair Oaks Ave.
> Suite 351
> South Pasadena, CA 91030
> (323) 839-6108
> peter...@pobox.com
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On 
> Behalf Of Kirk Herander
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 12:39 PM
> To: RE-wrenches
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] battery-based inverter
> Hello,
> Can anyone recommend a good battery-based inverter for grid-intertie? I need 
> both generator and utility inputs, 120 or 240 output. I have experience with 
> the OB Radian series but don’t know what else is out there. Thanks.
> Kirk Herander
> Owner|Principal, VT Solar, LLC
> Celebrating our 25th Anniversary 1991-2016
> www.vermontsolarnow.com
> dba Vermont Solar Engineering
> NABCEPTM  2003 Inaugural Certificant
> VT RE Incentive Program Partner
> 802.863.1202
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