I have worked out the area under the daily bell curve. A 2% loss at max current 
equals 1% loss average. Maybe this logic could allow some flexibility. 


> On Jul 25, 2015, at 5:52 AM, Jerry Shafer <jerrysgarag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wrenches
> I have 3 engineering firms and one in-house engineer that only use 1% because 
> in the NEC it is stated as a suggestion and not a requirement but they take 
> this as a must not exceed instead, 
> I cant change CC as it will be remotely monitored via the Outback connection, 
> the Engineers refuse to make any changes to the 1% and still stamp the 
> drawings. This is what I have found in my research it came from Mike Holt
> Contrary to common belief, the NEC generally doesn't require you to size 
> conductors to accommodate voltage drop. It merely suggests in the Fine Print 
> Notes to 210.19(A), 215.2(A)(4), 230.31(C), and 310.15(A)(1) that you adjust 
> for voltage drop when sizing conductors. It's important for you to remember 
> that Fine Print Notes are recommendations, not requirements [90.5(C)].
> The NEC recommends that the maximum combined voltage drop for both the feeder 
> and branch circuit shouldn't exceed 5%, and the maximum on the feeder or 
> branch circuit shouldn't exceed 3%. This recommendation is a performance 
> issue, not a safety issue.
> Jerry
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Starlight Solar Power Systems 
>> <la...@starlightsolar.com> wrote:
>> Jerry,
>> A long distance wire run is practical now days using a high voltage 
>> controller. Have a look at Schneider and Morningstar 600Vdc controllers. Not 
>> sure what you mean "by nothing can be changed but wire size” but you will 
>> have to rewire the strings into series and protect the wire run.
>> Larry Crutcher
>> Starlight Solar Power Systems
>> On Jul 22, 2015, at 10:37 AM, Jerry Shafer <jerrysgarag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wrenches
>> Some time back there was discussion on the conductor size and efficiency 
>> rating requirement for long DC runs.
>> What I am looking at is this, 400 feet of MCM 400 to keep the line loss at 
>> or below 1% per NEC code for an off grid application, cost vs return is not 
>> acceptable. 2/0 is less than 2.5% and the cost is far less. Specs are 4 
>> strings of 3, 250 watt modules feeding one Outback FM 80 charge controller. 
>> There are lots of things I can do like SMA instread, or 200 VDC charge 
>> controller but nothing can be changed except the wire gauge. Does anyone 
>> recall a thread with this topic.
>> thoughts ??
>> Jerry
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