Kirpal asked about a lug crimp tool in the smaller sizes. I like my ILSCO
ILC-10-N since it can be squozed with one hand especially in #6 heavy lugs
or smaller. Hold things in position with one hand & squoze with the other.
The handles are cushioned; tool length is about one foot long tip to tip;
it's a "controlled cycle" on the crimp but there's also an easy release
trigger in case the die was not rotated to the ideal position for the
particular lug in use. Controlled cycle is nice even if one must switch to
double handing the levers because by then the lug is slightly squozed and
held in place by the spring mechanism.

The swage is sort of a rhomboid after crimping...instead of a hex crimp as
the finished product, for instance. There are two different
dies...interchangeable...but I almost never put the bigger one in place.
The smaller die rotates to four positions...labeled for #8, #6, #4, & #2.
The bigger lug says that's for #1 & for #0 but it's a two handed operation
in those bigger sizes so I tend to reach for my bigger Quick-Cable
crunchers instead.

I think this tool was a bit spendy but it's never failed and I bought it so
long ago that I can't remember what I paid. Lesson there, right? I actually
lost the bigger die for awhile and ILSCO was unwilling to sell me a
replacement...but then >hey< I found the lost child and the hairpin
retaining clip has kept it from wandering again.

I trust this will be helpful, Friend Khalsa. Crimp On!

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