I agree with Windy and this article, the electric sounders can be finicky. I've never tried the airline method, but some well folks from Texas taught me to use an inverted plumbing fitting on a string. When it hits the water you can feel it on the line, because the small pocket of trapped air causes the weight to stall momentarily. You can confirm by repeatedly raising it and "popping" it at the water surface. If its quiet, you can hear it too. The bottom of the well can be sounded just like with any weighted line: raise and lower repeatedly, finding the spot that the line goes slack. I've used this as deep as 800 ft. For shallower wells we just attach this fitting straight to our 300 ft measuring tape; if it's deeper, we tape the string to mark the water level and Total depth, then measure the string after.

R.Ray Walters
CTO, Solarray, Inc
Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
Licensed Master Electrician
Solar Design Engineer
303 505-8760

On 4/25/2015 2:36 PM, Allan Sindelar wrote:
For those Wrenches that work with deep-well water pumping installations, the attached guide is useful to file away for later use. Windy sent it to me, and it has three options for determining the depth of water in a well. I taped a 1/4" plastic irrigation tube to the hand-installation-method bundle of flexible pipe, wire, signal wire and safety rope in an installation yesterday. Easy rough-in for testing water table drop and pump submergence over years.

The guide was published in 2000 by the Oregon State University Extension Service.

*Allan Sindelar*
al...@sindelarsolar.com <mailto:al...@sindelarsolar.com>
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder (Retired), Positive Energy, Inc.
*505 780-2738 cell*


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        air tube for water level testing
Date:   Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:07:37 -0600
From:   Windy Dankoff
To:     Allan Sindelar

Following is a very cheap means of testing depth to water, pump running or not.

Allan - Get 230 feet of 1/4" irrigation tube to put down the well. It will be 
used to make pressure test at any time, using a bicycle pump.

Instructions attached. This will be for use of the "Air Line" method shown on 
this doc. Tape the tubing to the pipe, along with the level probe
cable. The bottom of tube can be where the probe is - just above the check 

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