also, ac1 is grid and ac2 is gen.

On Monday, December 15, 2014 8:03am, "Ray Walters" <> said:

What you want is already programmed into the inverter.  It's called Low Battery 
Transfer mode (LBX), its just a program setting on the inverter.  You select 
this mode in Menu 9, and then its actual battery voltage settings are in Menu 
 It will not sell back in this mode, but fromHome Power Magazine's Guerrilla 
Solar movement of the 90s, all you have to do to sell back: "Don't ask, Don't 
Tell, just press Sell".

R.Ray WaltersCTO, Solarray, IncNabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master 
ElectricianSolar Design Engineer303 505-8760On 12/15/2014 8:09 AM, Daniel Young 

The way I would do this if using outback (really what I’m familiar with) is to 
set up the aux relay on the inverter to trigger an AC relay that connected the 
grid to the inverters ac input using the “load shed” function. It would trigger 
the relay when the batteries reached a set voltage (user programmable in the 
outback), then disconnect the grid at higher set voltage. Ex: activate relay at 
46V, then de-activate relay at 50V (48V system). All you are basically doing is 
activating a charging source instead of severing a load to help the battery 
state of charge. Not sure how the trace handles AC1 and AC2, so maybe you’d 
need a second relay to make sure the generator input is always off when the 
grid input is active.
Not sure if the trace has this functionality. Hope this applies, or helps get 
you down the right path.

With Regards,
Daniel Young, 
NABCEP Certified PV Installation ProfessionalTM: Cert #031508-90
NABCEP Certified Solar Heating InstallerTM: Cert #SH031409-13

From: RE-wrenches [[ ]( )] On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2014 8:10 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: [RE-wrenches] RE; SW4024's were off grid, now on grid AC2 Controls?
Here is a request for advice from one of my old off grid customers who has 
recently brought in the grid to lessen his dependence on the generator. He is 
NOT selling back to the grid.
The main question I have is this: Can we program the Trace SW4024 so that that 
it will charge the batteries with Grid Power (AC2) when a low voltage setting 
is reached?
<< "I have two SW4024 inverters.  They are set up to each handle about 1/2 of 
the loads in the house.
Our system is setup so we are either on Grid power, or battery power.  
The choice is controlled by a manual transfer switch.
AC1 on both inverters is backup generator which is controlled by Inverter #1 
when battery voltage reaches preset levels.
AC2 on both inverters is AC from the grid and is currently controlled by 
circuit breakers.  The circuit breakers are normally in the off position and 
the batteries are charged by the sun.  Typically if we want to charge the 
batteries a bit with grid power we turn on the circuit breakers and the 
batteries are charged through both inverters by utility power.
What I would like to be able to do is set the inverter, probably inverter #1 
for consistency, to allow grid charging at a set battery voltage and then cut 
off the grid when it reaches an upper voltage.  My thought is something along 
the lines of, if the batteries reach 40% of full charge Grid is started and 
allowed to charge batteries until they reach 80% charge.
I would like to continue as things are at present with the inverter triggering 
the back-up generator if needed.  Again my thought is at 35% of Full charge 
Generator is started and is then shut off at 80% of full charge.
My goal is to use PV juice as much as possible with first backup being Grid and 
second backup being Generator.  This should allow us to go away and hopefully 
run the house on PV but have two backups if needed". >>
I would appreciate advice from anyone with experience with a system like this.
David Palumbo
Independent Power LLC
462 Solar Way Drive
Hyde Park, VT 05655

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