Hello wrenches,

I have a request to design a modest battery backup system for a residence
that has a 10 kW grid-tied Solar Edge system using a single SolarEdge
Inverter SE10000A- US.  I'd like to try to utilize the solar potential that
we have on site.  One idea that I had was to use DC relay(s) to cut out a
couple strings when the grid was out, dropping the PV input down to about
3kW.  Has anyone ever tried this?

I could easily get away with a ~4 kW battery-based inverter and would like
to avoid stacking unnecessarily.

Solar Edge also offers power output control through radio ripple control.
I took a look at this paper on it
Off-the shelf it looks like I would need a computer to control the power
output dynamically.  Perhaps I could activate the 5V K2 relay with a simple
control scheme and drop the power to 30%, but I hesitate to dive in too
deep.  Anyone worked with radio ripple control?



Mac Lewis

*"Yo solo sé que no sé nada." -Sócrates*
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