Jason et al - Next Phase Solar <http://nextphasesolar.com/> is currently
working to address this very issue.  NPS will roll a truck to handle
service issues (residential or commercial) so installers can focus on
installing.  Adam Burstein (NPS Founder and CEO) is a long-time industry
veteran going back to the PowerLight days and has built a very competent
service / O&M team.  They have a pretty broad footprint but they aren't
everywhere yet, though I know he is interested in expanding into new
markets if the demand is there.

For a brighter energy future,

Andrew Truitt

Truitt Renewable Energy Consulting, LLC

(202) 486-7507

LinkedIn Profile <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewtruitt>

Company Website <http://truittreconsulting.weebly.com/>

NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional ID: 032407-66

Colorado Journeyman Electrician License No.: 600132


[image: 24 copy.jpg]

"Don't get me wrong: I love nuclear energy! It's just that I prefer fusion
to fission. And it just so happens that there's an enormous fusion reactor
safely banked a few million miles from us. It delivers more than we could
ever use in just about 8 minutes. And it's wireless!"

~William McDonough

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Jason Szumlanski <ja...@szumlanski.com>

> Frankly, our issue is the UNsteady stream of service issues with both
> string and microinverters. There isn't enough warranty or non-warranty
> service work and it is too unpredictable to justify a dedicated PV service
> department with dedicated personnel that can run economically. As a result,
> we have to pull install crews from active installations to handle these
> issues, which is neither economical nor good for our installation business.
> As much as PV service is an annoyance for system owners, it's a huge
> distraction for a small dealer. In fact, one competitor refuses to service
> the systems they install. We have been picking up service business as a
> result (we have a reputation for doing so and manufacturers call us), but
> it's still not steady enough to handle well.
> Jason Szumlanski
> On Oct 15, 2014 4:41 PM, "Rebecca Lundberg" <
> rebecca.lundb...@powerfullygreen.com> wrote:
>> We are starting to see a fairly steady stream of various solar
>> electronics needing replacement under warranty, including micro-inverters,
>> AC modules (microinverter failing), and even modules with an integrated DC
>> electronic component failing to work from the get go. I work with
>> residential customers and care about doing right by them, and of course
>> they expect that their warrantied part will be replaced at no cost to them,
>> they have already invested a lot in their solar project. Sometimes the
>> manufacturer has a stipend which at least offsets the cost of gas but does
>> not cover time to travel to the site and do the replacement, but I have
>> recently come across several manufacturers who do not give any stipend at
>> all and I am surprised at that. Replacing a module in the middle of a
>> pitched roof is no small feat, and getting to micro inverters on a steep
>> pitch is always a challenge. As the code requires more safety features down
>> to the module level, I suspect we will see more and more of this, and the
>> electronics are no longer at ground level and easily accessible. What ideas
>> do you have about how to deal with this? Must we have an O and M contract
>> with every customer given current product choices?
>> A similar question relates to a particular module having issues
>> with delamination and failed diodes. We have been called out to several
>> sites where this has caused the inverter to sense a fault, and testing
>> showed the module leaking voltage to ground. Who is responsible for getting
>> the inverter up and running when it clearly stems from the module? I
>> suspect the module manufacturer's warranty legally exempts them from
>> responsibility, but again it is reasonable for the customer to expect a
>> warrantied system to be up and running.
>> Thoughts from the field?
>> Sincerely,
>> Rebecca Lundberg
>> --
>> Rebecca Lundberg
>> NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer ®
>> Owner/President
>> *Powerfully Green*®
>> 763.438.1976 | rebecca.lundb...@powerfullygreen.com
>> Powered by the Sun!
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