Thanks Brian -- I think that covers both DC and AC sides then.

But the Mike Holt textbook I received taking Ryan Mayfield's (excellent)
class at NABCEP Denver last month specifically says "dc circuits" all
throughout the 690.12 copy of NEC2014 does not specify DC
at all.

Did I miss a correction, errata or revision of either the Mike Holt book or
the NEC2014?


Dan Fink,
Executive Director;
Buckville Energy Consulting
Buckville Publications LLC
NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Brian Mehalic <>wrote:

> The definition for "PV system" moved to Article 100 in 2014. I think it's
> pretty clear that the PV system includes the inverter, if present, and the
> inverter output circuits.
> Brian
> On Apr 19, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Dan Fink <> wrote:
> Hi Aaron, boB, Wrenches;
> I think Aaron brings up a good point, and it's certainly confusing to me.
> The boldface type heading of 690.12 is "Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on
> Buildings"
> The body of the 690.12 text begins with "PV system *circuits* installed on
> or in buildings shall....."
> 690.2 defines "Photovoltaic source circuit" as "Circuits between modules
> and from modules to the common connection point(s) of the DC system"
> and "Photovoltaic output circuit" as "Circuit conductors between the PV
> source circuit(s) and the inverter or DC utilization equipment."
> "PV system" from the heading of 690.12 is not defined in 690.2, other than
> that the definition of "Photovoltaic system voltage"  specifically includes
> both PV output and source circuits.
> To me the confusing part of 690.12 is "PV Systems on Buildings" is that
> "system" is not defined, and tends to imply rooftop arrays. But "PV system
> circuits installed on or in buildings shall....." is pretty clear. I
> interpret it to mean anything DC and PV stuck to the side of building like
> conduit, etc, or running inside....which means it applies to ground-mount
> arrays too if they terminate outside or inside the building.
> What I'm seeing as the easy work-around for us off-grid folk is the old
> "power shed" idea containing battery bank, balance of system, inverter
> etc....just build it within 10 feet of the PV array and you're fine.
> Any thoughts?
> Dan Fink,
> Executive Director;
> Otherpower
> Buckville Energy Consulting
> Buckville Publications LLC
> NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers
> 970.672.4342
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:30 PM, <
>> wrote:
>> Bill Brooks should probably respond to this also, but reading the NEC, it
>> looks like if the wires
>> do not go inside the building to run more than 5 feet (as the crow
>> flies), the the rapid disconnect
>> does not apply.    OR, less than 10 feet from the array IF the PV is
>> mounted on that building.
>> boB
>> On 4/18/2014 1:34 PM, Aaron Mandelkorn wrote:
>>> The rapid shutdown language is so confusing. When looking at the rapid
>>> shutdown language, does PV systems "on" a building refer to only situations
>>> where the array is on a building; or does it include DC conductors as well.
>>> For example, if the DC conductors from a pole mounted array run up the side
>>> of a building before punching in to the inverter, does this require rapid
>>> shutdown?  Is this PV system considered "on" a building?
>>> Aaron
>>> Aaron Mandelkorn
>>> Owner/Solar Specialist
>>> Renewable Energy Outfitters
>>> 719-221-5249
>>> 970-596-3744
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