Eric: It sounds like you are developing a sound knowledge base on your own. I am sure you have lots to contribute. It is nice to see your posts on some interesting subjects. William
_____ From: [] On Behalf Of SunHarvest Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 2:20 PM To: RE-wrenches Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] PV Assist As you're aware William, being my mentor, I can't give you advice on your designs...none-the-less I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring of our talkabout (verbal walkabout)... I've seen plenty of wealthy homeowners turn to solar initially for the savings and end up acquiring an affinity for saving energy which, as I've seen, can lead to an awareness on the importance of ecological preservation. Some have even put aside their more "conservative" sociopolitical ideologies and recalled their inherent desire to connect with their environment, a.k.a. become more hippied-out man. We run up against this concept with every single solar panel we sell. Where is it manufactured? Not at the local, organic, free-range, fair-trade solar farm that's for sure. How much embodied energy and chemical by-product comes with each module (let's not talk about batteries)? Way, way, way too much. But for now, as this is the time of transition, solar is "the lesser of two evils". The underlying truth is that in order to establish a sustainable existence, at a bare minimum, we must not consume more resources than we produce. This is hardly possible given any modern lifestyle, even the most eco-friendly. Each and every one of us that are not living entirely off the land and putting back all the nutrients that we consume; despite our best intentions, recycling our plastic bottles, shopping at farmer's markets, driving electric cars, are slowly destroying our planet. So what do we do? We may not be able to save the earth but we can wake as many sleeping zombie-consumers as possible and see where that gets us. The way I see it, our good work is far from perfect but it's a modest means to a greater end and everyone must get on board, fast; even the gluttons; especially the gluttons. As it's been said, we're the pioneers. We're the messengers, the alarm clocks, and the catalysts of this paradigm shift. Energy technology is changing fast, in both the renewable and conventional sectors and we're the ones, selling solar to everything that breathes and has a pocketbook, that are helping renewables to beat coal, oil, natty gas, nuclear; and If we don't do it, who will? In order for the green revolution to contend and win we need to build bridges between the tree-huggers and the oil-mongers and that is accomplished not by creating an eco-elite but through persistent diplomacy... ...Hey, come back here with my soapbox!...
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