Esteemed Wrenches; We are replacing a venerable but zorched Trace U-series with a Magnum for an off-grid client. He has a "power shed" type install 100 feet from the house, and wants to be able to control and monitor the inverter from the house.
The Magnum remote uses standard telephone cable, so no problem getting 100 feet so far as I can tell, the included cable is 50 feet and there are no distance warnings in the docs. But what about lightning? His system is in a very lightning prone area of Colorado. Everything's grounded well, but the remote itself can't be tied in as far as I can tell. We'll bury the telephone cable, but still.....are there any products out there from the days of telephone landlines (remember those?) for lightning protection? Or is this a non-issue? I'd hate to zorch the new inverter just because of a surge from the remote cable. I love the Magnum remote, it's why we mostly install Magnum inverters now. I can walk even a novice off-grid client through troubleshooting and (sometimes) repairing a system over a sat phone from memory, without an owners manual on hand. Smooooth. But I have not run into this outdoor wire run situation with it yet. Thanks in advance; Dan Fink, Executive Director; Otherpower Buckville Energy Consulting Buckville Publications LLC NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers 970.672.4342
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