I've never used the hooks, although I'm interested in trying the ones from
Quickmount PV. The stand-offs just seem so rock solid. I'm not sure if the
hooks can handle the design wind uplift pressures we deal with in SW
Florida. I would have to present that to an engineer for review.

Either way you still need to remove the tile. The cutting is easy once you
get the hang of it.

Jason Szumlanski
Fafco Solar

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Benn At DayStarSolar <b...@daystarsolar.ca
> wrote:

> William, Jason;
> I appreciate the suggestion, it sounds like an ideal solution.
>  I do wonder why you prefer posts when you could use the tile hooks and
> avoid the extra work and time of cutting and flashing? If it makes for a
> better attachment structurally and weather-proof wise, then I'm all for it.
> Could you make a few points for/against tile hooks vs flashed posts?
> Thanks.
> benn
> Sent from a 'smart' phone, with tiny keys. Please excuse shortcuts and
> typos.
> On 2012-07-13, at 2:20 PM, Jason Szumlanski <ja...@fafcosolar.com> wrote:
> I should have mentioned that a few manufacturers make complete standoff
> and flashing systems:
> http://www.quickmountpv.com/products/universal-tile-mount.html#page=overview
> http://www.verde-industries.com/solar-flashings/solar-flashings.html
> There are others.
> Jason Szumlanski
> Fafco Solar
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Jason Szumlanski <ja...@fafcosolar.com>wrote:
>> Agreed. AKA Stand-offs. Unirac makes two-piece standoffs in 4-7". Two
>> lags per base make a highly secure connection to the truss.
>> NRCA Flashing detail
>> http://www.nrca.net/consumer/types/details/tile-7.pdf
>> Jason Szumlanski
>> Fafco Solar
>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 2:18 PM, William Miller 
>> <will...@millersolar.com>wrote:
>>> Benn:
>>> None of the below.  Use stanchions, also known as power posts.  Flash
>>> them properly, just like a roof vent, only they will be perpindicular to
>>> the roof surface, not vertical.
>>> William Miller
>>> At 06:40 AM 7/13/2012, benn kilburn wrote:
>>>  Hanger bolts or tile hooks….What does the collective wisdom of this
>>>> list have to suggest/recommend?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Benn
>>>> DayStar Renewable Energy Inc.
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