Funny story: we once had a brand new L-16 that came back to us from a customer 
who said that it was bad. We checked the voltage and it was 6.2VDC. We tried to 
run a small 6V motor with it to no avail. Checked the voltage again at 6.2VDC. 
Then we did the unthinkable: we shorted across the terminals with a short piece 
of #10 wire. Only a very faint spark was noticed, and the voltage dropped to 
zero. Took the wire off and read the voltage at 6.2VDC.

Upon calling the manufacturer we got the expected response of "that's not 
possible". It took forever to get the manufacturer to replace it.

We never cut it open to take a look, but I suspect that it was a micro-fracture 
in one of the internal buss bars, with enough continuity to provide voltage but 
not enough for current flow. We didn't measure the SG either, but I doubt that 
it was anything other than normal.

Brian Teitelbaum
AEE Solar

[] On Behalf Of Bob-O Schultze
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 12:16 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] 2 volt Trojan RE series L16 Batteries

It sounds like you've got a rotter or two. Given the short age of the pack, 
that's my suspicion. Try checking the individual battery voltages when under 
load and fairly well discharged. I've seen a new battery bank all show good SG 
and individual voltages while resting but one or more batteries tank badly 
under load. Poor manufacturing QC is the cause.
good luck, Bob-O

On Apr 20, 2011, at 12:03 PM, Rich Nicol wrote:

RE Wrenches
My question regards a system (installed by homeowner / friend) where they 
recently upgraded their t105 battery bank to Trojan RE series L16 2 volt cells. 
 The battery bank consists of 6 batteries in series for a 12 volt system.  The 
interconnects are 12" long 4/0 cables with crimped and soldered lugs.  Main 
cables are 6' long 4/0 cables.
The first issue is high terminal temperature during periods of heavy draw (~100 
amps @ 12v when water pump is on).  Due to the issue the owner has been only 
running the water pump when charging the batteries with his generator since the 
transfer switch on the Outback inverter has transferred his household circuits 
from the battery bank to the generator.  Obviously this is an inconvenience. 
Before the end of life on his T105's he had no issues with the 6 volt cells in 
series/parallel using only #2 AWG interconnects.
Most recently he's experienced an issue where the inverter will not come on at 
all and when attempted to come by switching on his main DC breaker  the voltage 
at the batteries sags from 12.5 to ~5V!  This issue is not with the inverter 
since I loaned him a back up Trace DR I keep around as a loaner but it too 
would not come on and voltage sagged as well.  This sag is with no demand since 
it sags immediately when the DC breaker is switched on when connected to the 
inverter even though the inverter has not been switched on.
I stopped by this AM to check out the situation, specific gravity of all cells 
is good, open circuit voltage on each cell is matched at 2.12  volts.  The 
battery bank is only about 4 months old.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Battery specs:
2 volt, Rated Capacity @ 5 Hr rate=909 AH, 20 hr rate = 1110 AH, 100 hr rate = 

Thanks for your help!

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