You hit a nail on the head. We hear very often older customers saying
that they want to a) make sure their presumed future widow is taken care
of, or b) want to leave a self-sustaining home to their kids. I think
these are very valid and intriguing reasons to go solar.


Jason Szumlanski

Fafco Solar 



[] On Behalf Of Joel
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:22 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Value of PV system to a home


Consider not moving or selling your PV powered home. Making your PV
powered home your retirement home is a better investment than a savings
CD and definitely a hedge against increased grid electricity prices for
retired people on a fixed income. Plant some roots and lead your
neighborhood by example.


Joel Davidson


        ----- Original Message ----- 

        From: Kirpal Khalsa <>  

        To: RE-wrenches <>  

        Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:33 PM

        Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Value of PV system to a home


        What I have been putting forth to our customers and potential
customers, is that a PV system when looked at like an appliance is
simply equal to the value of the energy it produces over a given
period....for straight grid tied systems I have used what I think is a
conservative number of 20 years and then I multiply that by today's
energy if a system is installed in Oregon and electricity
is $.09/kWh and the system is expected to produce 4500kWh per year then
that system would add 4500kWh x $.09 x 20 years = $8100 in value to
their Oregon......
        Certainly you could add average utility price increases over
time to the value of the energy produced, as well as reductions in
system output overtime as equipment degrades.....additionally if a party
is buying a house equipped with a PV system they may not want to
calculate a full 20 years into that formula if the system was installed
years earlier.......I prefer to use conservative numbers in my formula
inputs, however the argument could be made stating that the 20 year time
span is too short and if the lifetime is potentially double that the
value of the system also doubles..... 
        In my mind an off grid system can be more directly tied to the
cost of the equipment as the grid is not an alternative to the power
that is supplied.....
        Finally, we have never had a customer disagree with this basic
approach, however it still falls flat on its face if the customer is not
planning on moving or selling their property!
        Sunny Regards,
        Kirpal Khalsa
        NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer
        Renewable Energy Systems
        541-218-0201 m
        541-592-3958 o

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