Both ideas are simple and make good sense. I think listing the number of years 
certified is a strong reason I'd renew actually, otherwise what's the 
difference between someone who has been certified for 6 years vs. 6 months? 

R. Walters
Solar Engineer

On Mar 14, 2010, at 12:11 AM, Allan Sindelar wrote:

> Wrenches,
> Recently I wrote to NABCEP with two requests, for changes on the website's 
> public information:
>      1. In addition to a state-by-state list of certificants, have also a 
> single overall alphabetized list that is not delimited by state, to allow a 
> quick check if an installer who claims certification actually is so.     
>      2. I would like to see the year of initial certification available as 
> part of the published info on NABCEP's certificant listings. I would like to 
> think that this is also a good indicator of an installer's experience as the 
> field (of certificants) continues to get larger.
> I got thoughtful responses from Ezra and Bob-O. The essence of the 
> back-and-forth discussion follows my signature line. But straight and to the 
> point: Among those of you who are NABCEP Certified PV Installers, what are 
> your opinions about these two ideas? Any responses and discussion will make 
> its way back to NABCEP - I'll see to that.
> Thanks,
> Allan
> -- 
> Allan Sindelar
> NABCEP Certified Photovoltaic Installer
> EE98J Journeyman Electrician
> Positive Energy, Inc.
> 3201 Calle Marie
> Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
> 505 424-1112
> [Last post first; earlier posts follow]
> Hi Allan,
> As always it's great to "talk" with you. I want to correct a common 
> misunderstanding about the qualifications to sit for the NABCEP Installer 
> Exam. Nothing has changed with respect to experience. The person applying 
> still needs to have been the person responsible for two PV systems sometime 
> over the past two years. You are correct that some time ago we changed the 
> wording to "some time within the past two years" this was to indicate that 
> difference between two complete years of experience and two systems in the 
> past two years (our actual requirement). 
> I can assure you that the likes of Bob-O keep us all very honest when it 
> comes to watering down the qualifications to sit for the exam. The entire 
> exam committee keeps their eye on not "dumbing down" the exam. They want the 
> new achievers to work as hard as you and the other early adopters did.
> I am not really in favour of the downloadable list because of the spam 
> concerns but I'll happily accede to what the "Certs" want. I'd suggest an 
> informal poll - RE Wrenches perhaps - trying to get some additional buy-in 
> from Certificants. Again that's your call.
> As to the date first Certified I don't think that should be too difficult but 
> I hate to make promises before I speak the the folks who would actually do 
> the work and find out from them how difficult or time consuming the task 
> would be. I'm going to be in our office later this week and I'll keep you 
> posted. 
> Best regards,
> Ezra
> Ezra Auerbach
> Executive Director
> North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)
> 634 Plank Road
> Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065
> 1 800 654 0021
> 1 518 670 4553 Direct
> On 2010-03-01, at 9:01 PM, Allan Sindelar wrote:
> Ezra, Bob-O, Tim, Rex,
> Wow! I appreciate the dialogue that my suggestions engendered, and the fast 
> response.
> Re the first issue, the national list: like Bob-O, I did not see spam 
> potential as an issue, and I'm not knowledgeable enough about spam control to 
> advise. I have observed that I get far fewer spam messages in my inbox than I 
> did a few years ago - perhaps one or two a day, versus 15-20 maybe 4 years 
> ago, and I haven't changed either email addresses or public visibility. 
> I would consider a national list to be a convenience more than a necessity. 
> You are all aware that I am quite protective of proper use of the logo and 
> any claims of certification - I have shared some of my efforts with you. But 
> I have seldom been hindered by having to check state lists, so it's not a big 
> deal for my needs - more a suggestion. Perhaps there are others for whom this 
> would make a bigger difference.
> On the other issue, I'll offer two perspectives, closely related. As NABCEP 
> certification becomes widespread and necessary for so many installations, you 
> are most likely experiencing ongoing pressure to certify more installers. I 
> have already seen the qualification standards become diminished - where an 
> applicant once needed to lead at least two installations to qualify, now he 
> or she need only show "experience installing PV systems occurring at some 
> point in the two (2) years prior to submitting an application". And 
> certification is certification, by which I mean that once certified, there 
> are no additional "master" or "graybeard" additional levels available. So 
> this becomes a very simple way to identify how many years an installer has 
> been certified to have the highest qualification level our industry offers.
> That's the objective perspective. The other is personal: I want to be 
> acknowledged as one of the original 44 (?) that passed the first exam. It's 
> an achievement I don't mind being available to those who care. And it will 
> matter more as the years go by. It's a very easy way to recognize the old 
> timers. It's also the way to recognize the people who saw enough value in the 
> fledgling NABCEP effort to take and pass the exam before it meant anything, 
> and with no idea what it would someday count for.
> Bob-O, re "I think perhaps we should also consider adding the year that the 
> Certification expires": to me that is a separate issue, and one of not much 
> concern. It's one, two, or three years away - big deal. You're either valid 
> or expired. But if you add expiration year, then also decide whether 
> Certificants who are expired disappear from the list or have "expired" and 
> the year next to their name, but remain on the list as once having been 
> Certified. Unimportant to me, just bouncing around ideas here.
> One more thing - I hate SurveyMonkey. It requires choosing one of the offered 
> answers, even if none of the choices fits. And you can't skip an unanswerable 
> question. Ugh!
> Does this help?
> Allan
> Ezra Auerbach wrote: I'll wait to hear back from Allan before we make any 
> changes - if in doubt kick the idea around with a few other installer Certs 
> informally and we'll use their responses to gauge if we need a full survey. 
> Work for you? 
> Ezra
> On 2010-03-01, at 8:02 AM, Bob-O Schultze wrote:
> The spam thing is something I hadn't considered. Clearly a trade-off. Adding 
> the year of initial certification would take some work, but it's a one-time 
> thing. IF we do that, I think perhaps we should also consider adding the year 
> that the Certification expires. That would be an ongoing chore, but perhaps 
> it could be automated by linked spreadsheets or something.
> Allan, it's your suggestion. In light of Ezra's thoughts, do you still think 
> alphabetizing the Certificant's names on the website has more merit than the 
> potential anti-spam effect? Personally, I'm not sure the anti-spam thing is 
> that relevant as anyone can copy and paste the current list into another 
> document very easily, although state by state only. 
> Perhaps we should put this out to our Certs for a vote? Via a survey monkey 
> or ...?
> Bob-O
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Ezra Auerbach wrote:
> Hi gents,
> A couple of thoughts. I think we could add year of certification with undue 
> administrative burden-I will want to check with Tim-it will fall to him to 
> implement. 
> With respect to a list, we long ago decided against publishing a complete 
> listing to make it more difficult for spammers.
> So, it's the Certificants call. Bob-O if you are totally good with the 
> potential of more list spamming it would be easy to post a list.
> Tawk?
> Ezra
> Executive Director
> On 2010-02-28, at 12:52 PM, Bob-O Schultze <> 
> wrote:
> Hiya Allen and All,
> Both good ideas which I think we could -and should- implement, especially the 
> alphabetizing. 
> Ezra, I think a decision like this is way within your purview. Let's talk 
> about it.
> Bob-O
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