>From our friends over in the W3C's Data Shapes Working Group:

The Data Shapes Working Group is gathering for use cases and
requirements for the work on SHACL Inferencing Rules.

If you have a use case or requirement to contribute, please add an issue
to the work group issues list [1], or reply to this email and the input
will be transferred.

Don't worry about duplication and overlap with other submissions.

This work has a starting point of the "rules" section of the community
group "SHACL Advanced Features" [2] document.

If you use this SHACL-AF feature, please provide feedback with your
experience of using it for real.

(Andy Seaborne, on behalf of the WG)

[1] https://github.com/w3c/data-shapes/issues
[2] https://w3c.github.io/shacl/shacl-af/index.html#rules

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