Hi Mario,

Yes, you could open an Issue as you say, then provide a PR that makes the 
changes as you've implemented them. In this case it's documentation on how to 
use, rather than application code changes, and I think it can just go right 
into the README as I indicated below. So yes, Issue & PR. We will review the PR 
and if we see any problems, improve it, if we can!

Hopefully you love making contributions so once you;ve done this one, you'll 
get right into making more!

Cheers, Nick

On Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 19:51, Mario Migliaccio <ma...@openpolis.it> 

> Hi Drew, Nicholas, thank you for your replying.
> @Nicholas since I'm pretty new to developing, what you ask is to open an 
> issue on 
> [https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper/](https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper/blob/master/README.rst)
>  where I do explain the issue and the solution I proposed?
> On Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 01:33:18 UTC+1 Nicholas Car wrote:
>> Drew, Mario is using SPARQLWrapper - https://sparqlwrapper.readthedocs.io - 
>> not just RDFLib.
>> Mario: it would indeed be wonderful if you could add a small writeup of this 
>> to https://sparqlwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/main.html#python-package / 
>> https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper/blob/master/README.rst (the README 
>> comes through to ReadTheDocs docco too).
>> After the RDFLib 8.0.0 major release in the next few months, we'll put the 
>> call out for updates to a range of RDFLib-related packaged and SPARQLWrapper 
>> is one of those. It's working fine but could do with a lot of improvements, 
>> especially given more modern HTTP libraries like requests / httpx.
>> Cheers, Nick
>> On Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 07:45, Drew Perttula 
>> <dr...@bigasterisk.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for posting the solution. Can you also share what doc links you 
>>> originally looked at? Then we can add some text to help the next user with 
>>> the same problem.
>>> The closest I can find is 
>>> https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/intro_to_sparql.html#querying-a-remote-service
>>>  but that doesn't look like what you were using. As for what to link to, 
>>> perhaps https://docs.python.org/3.5/howto/urllib2.html#proxies would help, 
>>> though it doesn't list all the
>>> On 11/26/24 03:42, Mario Migliaccio wrote:
>>>> The error is:
>>>> urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
>>>> I solved it using this piece of code when raising this error
>>>> import urllib.request HTTP_PROXIES = {
>>>> 'http': f'http://{PROXY_USER}:{PROXY_PASSWORD}@' 
>>>> f'{PROXY_HOST}:{PROXY_PORT}','https': f'https: 
>>>> proxy_support = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(HTTP_PROXIES)
>>>> opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_support)
>>>> urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
>>>> and then
>>>> results = sparql.query().convert()
>>>> I think this solved my issue allowing using proxy to make a call thought 
>>>> SparqlWrapper
>>>> On Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 08:25:18 UTC+1 carlo...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mario,
>>>>> could you share the error returned?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Carlos
>>>>> On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 5:10:38 PM UTC+1 Mario Migliaccio wrote:
>>>>>> Just to give an example I'm using this code to query data from official 
>>>>>> endpoint from Italian assembly. I am having trouble with the connection 
>>>>>> of my production environment. I am wondering if it is possibile to query 
>>>>>> through a proxy I have
>>>>>> having
>>>>>> sparql_endpoint = "https://dati.senato.it/sparql";
>>>>>> sparql = SPARQLWrapper(sparql_endpoint)
>>>>>> sparql.setQuery("""PREFIX osr: <http://dati.senato.it/osr/>
>>>>>> PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
>>>>>> SELECT DISTINCT ?senatore ?nome ?cognome ?inizioMandato ?legislatura 
>>>>>> ?tipoMandato
>>>>>> WHERE {
>>>>>> ?senatore a osr:Senatore.
>>>>>> ?senatore foaf:firstName ?nome.
>>>>>> ?senatore foaf:lastName ?cognome.
>>>>>> ?senatore osr:mandato ?mandato.
>>>>>> ?mandato osr:legislatura ?legislatura.
>>>>>> ?mandato osr:inizio ?inizioMandato.
>>>>>> ?mandato osr:tipoMandato ?tipoMandato.
>>>>>> OPTIONAL { ?mandato osr:fine ?df. }
>>>>>> FILTER(!bound(?df))
>>>>>> } ORDER BY ?cognome ?nome
>>>>>> """)
>>>>>> sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
>>>>>> sparql.setTimeout(10) sparql.query().convert()
>>>>>> On Friday, 22 November 2024 at 17:06:07 UTC+1 Mario Migliaccio wrote:
>>>>>>> I am wondering if there's the possibility to query the endpoint throgh 
>>>>>>> a proxy.
>>>>>>> Is it possibile?
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