On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 07:43, Edmond Chuc <edm...@kurrawong.ai> wrote:

> We are also using it for query rewriting as our main use case. Will be
> interested to hear what kind of query rewriting you're doing. Are you
> mainly performing rewrites for query optimisation?

Hi Edward,

Some background info: I am doing query rewriting to add easy fulltext (and
other) searches, where the underlying triplestore either does not have it
supported, or where it might be too cumbersome to configure/install. See:

This works well, but you need to package up some C-libraries and configure
a separate parser at usage/deployment time. So might consider using your
work instead as it is more self-contained.

But, all that being said,  the tree-sitter DSL is incredibly useful, see:



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