Hi Nick,

On Tuesday, 16 August 2022 at 03:06:54 UTC+2 ni...@kurrawong.net wrote:

> That's a good list of *general*​ thinks for RDFLib but I was asking for 
> particular things focussed on RDFLib + RDF-star. As a student, Song has to 
> do new investigative things, not just engineering enhancements to 
> something, as useful as they may be.
> So let's keep the ptioroty order you've indicated here - I agree with it 
> all: systematic parsers, better tests etc. - but talk again about the 
> RDF-star work.

Specifically RDF star related it would be nice to have N-Quads-star also, 
N-Triples-star and TriG-star would also be nice if Turtle-star is a 
superset of N-Triples-star it is not that essential, and N-Quads-star will 
likely be simpler than TriG-star.

Other than that it would be nice to see conformance testing with the 
Turtle-star test suite. Performance testing would also be nice but may 
involve quite a bit of complexity, if we do performance testing it would be 
nice to have it done in a way that we can integrate into the CI pipeline 
and I guess ideally it should just be checking the performance of the 
parser/serializer and avoid/sidestep our store implementations, but 
comparing it to other implementations will likely not tell us that much, as 
it is not likely to have any performance advantages over most other 

Not sure that is very helpful, will keep it in mind and respond if I can 
think of more.

Iwan Aucamp

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