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assistance list. For these kind of questions, please use StackOverflow and
tag with [rdflib]. Thanks, Nick

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 11:49 PM mayank Agarwal <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am able to generate my RDF triples in .ttl format. I would like to ask
> two things:
> 1. When I save my RDF triples in .ttl format. It is saved taking subject
> in alphabetical order (first number and then follow alphabetical order)
> Could you please check why it is so?
> 2. When I am trying to apply URIRef to handle rdf triples predicates(URIs)
> for which I am getting a warning message: 'Predicate' does not look like
> a valid URI, trying to serialize this will break.
> What Should I change?
> Attaching the screenshots and sample ttl file.
> my code snippet:
> def build_result_graph(triples):
>     """ Builds a rdf graph with the result triples """
>     EX=Namespace("";)
>     g = Graph()
>     for triple in triples:
>         g.bind('ex',EX)
>         g.bind('foaf', FOAF)
>         g.bind('schema', SDO)
>         g.bind('dcterms',DCTERMS)
>         subj = triple[0]
>         pred = triple[1]
>         objct =triple[2]
>         g.add((subj, OWL.Ontology, objct))
>    g.serialize(destination='file' + str(counter) + ".ttl", format='ttl'
>     return g
> --
> ---
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