I doubt that you could tell any difference in the ride of an Asian Sam and a 
Wisconsin one. Please put yourself at ease over that.
Tires can make quite a difference. Pressure, width and construction all make a 
difference. Sometimes the tires on test bikes at RBW are at very low pressure, 
you might try reducing the amount of air you put in your tires. If the tires 
you rode on the test bike were Jack Browns there are two versions of that tire, 
one with and one without an anti puncture layer. The lighter version of the 
Jack Brown, and the heavier version of the similar width tire from Compas Bikes 
may ride similarly.
I have ridden the same bike with both 45mm Schwalbe fatties and 32mm Grand 
Boise Cypres tires. They give very different rides. I have another bike with 
the lighter Jack Browns on it. Being a different bike (and with larger wheels) 
it's harder to draw comparisons but I think the lighter Jack Browns and the 
normal Cypres are similar.
The best way to decide what's best for you is to ride the various tires 
yourself. Of course that may be more trouble and/or cost than its worth to you.

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