Great video ride report, at 2:47 he rides by my work.

I can ride that trail to DC on my Rambouillet but it's too delicate for my 
Andy Cheatham

On Monday, March 3, 2014 7:56:37 PM UTC-5, hsmitham wrote:
> Andy,
> Crappy roads again another reason fat tires are optimal. I don't know how 
> you folks weather (pun intended) the extremes as you do. Perhaps, it's the 
> fact that Spring and Fall are so glorious which sustains.
> I'd really enjoy a tour like this video,
> Looks to be superb. Look forward to your ride reports.
> ~Hugh
> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep 
> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 3:52 AM, ascpgh < <javascript:>>wrote:
>> When riding starts in my group, we're going to have to require helmets 
>> and huge tires as it looks from here. 
>> Kinder winters for the last two years lulled municipal road departments 
>> and those older, more porous streets and roads have simply given up to 
>> entropy this winter, returning to their particulate origins. Short of road 
>> salt so plows ran yesterday, spalling the already delicate roads. It's 
>> going to be more dangerous to ride in a group in the spring on these roads 
>> than it is now. The persistent snow pack may be more reminiscent of Siberia 
>> than North America, but it sure helps level and bind the degraded roads and 
>> streets. 
>> Days are getting longer, I could see the blue of the blue of the sky 
>> before dawn the other day as I got to work, while it was 3°. Ah the coming 
>> days of warmth when all unfreezes and lets go. 
>> Andy Cheatham 
>> Pittsburgh
>> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:18:48 AM UTC-5, Marc Irwin wrote:
>>> It went by here last night leaving a fresh 4" on top of the 10 feet we 
>>> have already received...sigh.  I'm tired of studded tires.  Ironically, 
>>> with daylight savings time a week away, I sent out a press release for the 
>>> local club to announce the beginning of our organized ride season.  It's 
>>> got to have people rolling on the floor.
>>> Marc
>>> On Saturday, March 1, 2014 2:20:32 PM UTC-5, Montclair BobbyB wrote:
>>>> Thanks a LOT Hugh... We're actually expecting the remnants of that 
>>>> storm here in Central NJ (in the form of snow) beginning Sunday, and 
>>>> lasting most of Monday... Estimates range from 6-12 inches, possibly 
>>>> more...  We'll be jealous of the nice weather that no doubt follows your 
>>>> deluge...   
>>>> On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:57:30 AM UTC-5, hsmitham wrote:
>>>>> Yep the first big storm of 2014 in Southern California...for those of 
>>>>> you out East jealous of our fair weather, well read about it 
>>>>> here<>and  know that we sometimes 
>>>>> have to change plans.
>>>>> ~Hugh
>>>>  -- 
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