I've enjoyed the ride and durability of the Lierres I've been running since
last summer.  But the Compass Loup Loup pass is the same price, and
supposedly an improved design.  Sounds like a winner!

On my bike, P45 longboards fit over the Lierres with plenty of clearance.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 4:10 PM, jeffrey kane <jsk_onl...@mac.com> wrote:

> Oh no doubt ... that's what I'd try!
> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 4:06:13 PM UTC-5, Mike Schiller wrote:
>> The Compass Loup Loup pass version. Same tire in 38mm wide.
>> ~mike
>> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 12:52:07 PM UTC-8, JimD wrote:
>>> OK,
>>> Since I can't fit Hetres on my 650 B Saluki what 38 mm 650B tires do
>>> folks suggest?
>>> Thanks,
>>> JimD
>>> On Mar 2, 2014, at 11:07 AM, Ron Mc <bulld...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I agree, 46mm Honjos would be perfect with 38mm tires, but that's about
>>> the upper limit.
>>> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 12:54:12 PM UTC-6, jeffrey kane wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>> The fenders you see are Berthoud 650b x 50's. Mike Kone sells them out
>>>> of Boulder Bicycles. I have them on a Belriot also. The fit on either frame
>>>> is tight but requires almost not crimping, which, is saying a lot since
>>>> neither frame was optimized for 42's and fenders. The tire to fender
>>>> inner-edge clearance is also what some might consider to be on the tighter
>>>> side of ideal ...  but I think not by much. I've had both bikes set up this
>>>> way for 3+ years now and haven't had a problem ... and while I know that's
>>>> a hardly scientific assessment, my riding consists of plenty of unpaved
>>>> trails and year round NYC streets.
>>>> That said, I have a pair of similarly sized Honjo's like your hanging
>>>> in my garage. They fit 38's well but don't work for Hetres. If you have
>>>> questions, give Mike Kone a call ... he's a great guy to hash out solutions
>>>> with.
>>>> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 11:01:52 AM UTC-5, JimD wrote:
>>>>> Jeffrey and/or anyone,
>>>>> I've got an early 62 cm Saluki (650B version) it has hammered Honjo
>>>>> fenders.
>>>>> I'm not sure what model honjos  are , but they measure 46mm wide on
>>>>> the outside and ~41 mm
>>>>> wide internally (rolled fender edge to  rolled fender edge).
>>>>> What fenders do you have on your Saluki and do you know their
>>>>> dimensions?
>>>>> How's the clearance on between your fenders  and the Hetres?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> JimD
>>>>> On Mar 2, 2014, at 6:37 AM, jeffrey kane <jsk_o...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>> Cross-post from the 650b group :
>>>>> I've been nursing a pair of Pari Moto's since mid-summer and the
>>>>> weather has helped extend their life (read: much reduced riding around 
>>>>> here
>>>>> since December) ... but I've been telling myself to p/u a new set o' tires
>>>>> for the last month or so and had decided I go for those highly acclaimed
>>>>> Hetre EL's for a change. This will be my 4th season riding 650b, much of 
>>>>> it
>>>>> on Hetres .. heck, I even commute on them year-round in NYC. So just as I
>>>>> was about to pull the trigger I see the post from Compass and *voila*,
>>>>> enter the Babyshoe Pass XL!
>>>>> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-iJclo6mLl_M/UxMv4CFonyI/AAAAAAAAABA/3pyjrCKoVb8/s1600/photo+1.JPG>
>>>>> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-zWKXXrx0LDY/UxMv7fXEyUI/AAAAAAAAABI/jEOp2w8GnQw/s1600/photo+2.JPG>
>>>>> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ny94ytVoP84/UxMv_Y_bKNI/AAAAAAAAABQ/MQfNagkwo4M/s1600/photo+3.JPG>
>>>>> Took 'em for a little solo 45 mile loop over the GWB to parts north
>>>>> yesterday in mid-30's temps on what was left of my November legs. Now, I'm
>>>>> no expert tire reviewer but I know what I've come to like ... and these 
>>>>> last
>>>>> few years on PM's and Hetres have been some of the most enjoyable of my
>>>>> many years of riding.
>>>>> So here's my deep bow of respect to Mr. Heine and his cohorts at
>>>>> Compass ... and a great many thanks for making life so damn good for so 
>>>>> many
>>>>> of us in their own small way!
>>>>> --
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