As I write the rain is falling and the federal government, local 
governments, and school districts have closed for Monday.  All done in 
anticipation of the approaching storm forecast to deliver rain, sleet, 
freezing rain, and finally 6-10 inches of snow all by noon tomorrow.
However, earlier today the sun appeared, the weather was warm, and spring 
seemed to have arrived.  I spent the morning splitting wood to fuel my wood 
stove and then took my Atlantis on a ramble.  I wasn't alone.  I haven't 
encountered as many cyclists outside since November.  

The last rider in a large group that passed me yelled back, "nice fenders." 
 I caught up to him at a traffic light, and we spoke.  He asked about my 
wood fenders and then the Atlantis.  He had never heard of Rivendell or 
Grant Petersen but said he had been riding steel since the 1980s.  I 
mentioned Bridgestone, and he made a connection.  He really admired the lug 
work on the Atlantis and told me he had sold his last steel bike last year 
to help fund the titanium bike he was riding.  I admired his black titanium 
bike.  He offered it had taken a year to save the money.  He said it was 
light and rode smoothly.  We agreed that a bike one enjoys riding is worth 
saving for.  As we parted, he said, "I enjoy speaking with folks like you." 
 He was dressed in black cycling tights and a lycra  shirt.  I wore my blue 
jeans tucked into my wool socks, my flannel shirt, orange vest, and hiking 
boots.  It was an enjoyable and all too brief conversation.

Before my ride ended three other passing cyclists had called out, "Nice 
bike!"  I returned home with a bit too much pride in my bike and a renewed 
appreciation for friendly, passionate cyclists.

Now where did I put that snow shovel and why didn't I buy studded tires for 
my Atlantis after the last snowstorm?
To anyone experiencing or in the path of this storm, stay safe and warm.
Two pictures from today's ride:



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