I am in the Bay Area and for fire road/single track I have 3: Bombadil
currently with Quasi-Moto tires, Black Mountain Cycle Monster Cross with
Bruce Gordan Rock&Road tires and a '94 Bridgestone XO-4 with Clement MSO
tires. The Black Mountain is a pretty great bike for the $ if you have
extra parts lying around for a build. Running On-One Midge flare bars on
that bike.

Never got into suspension bikes.

There are lots of great older mountain bikes that get turned in at used
bike co-ops and such. A tune up, a chain and some new tires and you are
good to go for a very small investment.


- Marin

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Deacon Patrick <lamontg...@mac.com> wrote:

> Och! Aye. The wait is brutal! Get a poser bike to fill the void in the
> meantime. I rode what later became my wife's bike while I waited (I hadn't
> ridden a bike since my bludgeoned brain, so over ten years), and we'd
> gotten an old Trek MTB as a test bike. Way too small for me, but Rived out
> it worked and I could do wee rides with my daughters. But the anticipation
> and trying to imagine riding perfection and the drool, and the hope, and
> the fear that what if it doesn't work for some reason, and the... and
> the... will make you a blathering idiot that can only be cured by the
> arrival of a UPS box with goodie drawings on it. Just remember, it's
> coldest just before sunrise. Here's how I know: (Grin.)
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/32311885@N07/12513399475/
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:24:23 AM UTC-7, David Stein wrote:
>> Bill - is this also known as the N+8?
>> Patrick - agreed. My goal is to wait and ride and see what I want from
>> there. But damn, 4 months is a long time to wait on a bike, too much time
>> to think. Need to ride.
>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Bill Lindsay <tape...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Welcome to the group, and best of luck with your Hunqapillar
>>> I have one bike that was sold as a mountain bike.  It's a 1986 Schwinn
>>> Paramountain.  I have a Bombadil, which I guess is kind of a mountain bike.
>>>  I have a two road bikes with plenty of clearance for cyclocross tires.  I
>>> have four 650B bikes that will take medium width knobbies and that I have
>>> no qualms about riding through Wildcat Canyon trails
>>> So to answer your question about how many....somewhere between zero and
>>> eight mountain bikes, depending on how one classifies them.
>>> On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:48:15 AM UTC-8, David Stein wrote:
>>>> New to the group. Have a Hunq on order. I've seen a number of threads
>>>> dancing around this topic (including the recent 'Hunqapillar as a true
>>>> mountain bike' thread). Wanted to ask the question a different way, how
>>>> many mountain bikes do you own, what are they, and when do you decide to
>>>> take which bike out?
>>>> I just got into mountain biking/trail riding after years of road riding
>>>> (Bay Area, mostly fire roads for now, some single track). I suck at it.
>>>> Trying to get better. Salsa El Mariachi with front suspension.
>>>> My interest is in exploring mostly, not necessarily going fast or
>>>> racing, but that being said I haven't met a downhill that hasn't resulted
>>>> in a crash or three (including the demo ride in Shell Ridge I took the Hunq
>>>> on). When I ordered the Hunq the idea was to use it as an all-rounder (mix
>>>> of fire roads, light trails, city riding, commuting) and my Salsa El
>>>> Mariachi 29er to take on more technical terrain and single track. But after
>>>> another couple more harrowing rides, I decided the Salsa wasn't for me and
>>>> sold it (I think it was the 29er wheel size that I didn't like, I am short
>>>> and it wasn't nimble enough, though maybe it was the general geometry of
>>>> the frame). So now, I'm left with the choice of running the Hunq as my only
>>>> mountain bike with two sets of wheels (2.1 smart sams on one and 1.75 green
>>>> guards on another), or using the Salsa money to buy an additional
>>>> singletrack specific bike with front suspension (and using in conjunction
>>>> with the Hunq, the ole N+1). Curious to what other people are doing.
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