
Isn't it amazing what a small inexpensive part can do for your ride and the 
fact we meet people online and then  meet in person and enjoy a ride 

I'd have liked to see you standing next to Erl's Atlantis as a comparison 
to your 62 cm.


On Sunday, January 19, 2014 7:41:14 PM UTC-8, Tony DeFilippo wrote:
> After an unnecessary, self-imposed delay I finally replaced the aging TA 
> Axix BB on my Atlantis with a cheap, new Shimano UN55 unit... what a 
> noticeable and wonderful change!  I"m happy to report that the 127mm axle 
> worked fine w/ my TA Zephyr crank and the wide Atlantis chainstays.  The 
> Axix is a nice looking bit of metal but either the replaceable cartridge 
> bearings are ready for replacement or its somewhat complicated installation 
> requirements proved to much for me... or both. Either way the new BB is 
> silent, smooth and makes me very happy!
> To inaugurate the new component I got in a spirited (for me) 35 mile round 
> trip up the Capitol Crescent Trail to meet up with list-member Erl in 
> Bethesda.  The bagels, coffee and conversation were well worth the trip!  I 
> also satisfied my curiosity for the 26" wheeled Atlanti by getting to size 
> myself up on Erl's 56cm Atlantis... I'm not sure I'll ever fully grasp the 
> art of bike sizing.  It sure seems like I'd be perfectly capable of being 
> comfortable for long distances on that 56cm 26" wheeled frame.
> Couple pictures below, more on my blog - 
> <>
> <>

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