Andy and I had a great time on the first leg. I was on the Travelo (Bleriot 
Protovelo with S&S couplers). The ride started chilly, upper 40s, but for 
somebody from Wisconsin it was short sleeve weather. Once the sun got above the 
hills it warmed up fast. Got up to about 90 on the climbs up to Rainbow. Then 
some clouds built up and it was cool back at the coast, where I had a lovely 
sunset ride down PCH back to La Jolla. Lots of hills on that ride, with a few 
fun switchback descents to reward you for all the work getting to the top.  Not 
as many scenic vistas as I thought we might get. Fun group of people, lots of 
strong riders, and great support with well placed water/food stops.  Great job 
by SD randonneurs.  Didn't get much in the way of photos but might post a few 
when I'm back to the winter wonderland.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI

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