Some sweet bikes there.

I've never heard of a Riv CX model, I thought the Legolas filled that 
spot?  What's the difference between the CX and Legolas?

On Monday, December 23, 2013 7:15:26 PM UTC-5, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> Finally made my way east for a holiday visit to Rivendell Bicycle Works 
> (both the showroom and the new downtown retail storefront - "Rivendell Book 
> Bike & Hatchet").  After hanging out and catching up a bit, Mark and Dave 
> brought to my attention that spread around the parking lot and lounge were 
> not one but FIVE (actually SIX if you count the unbuilt frameset..) 
> Rivendell Cross bikes - 4 Legolas and two RBW CX models!
> With the exception of the Rivendell Mountain, the Legolas is probably the 
> least common of the breeds.  (ok, there was that one weird outlier that 
> showed up at a NAHBS, but arguably that was the terducken of RBW), and the 
> fact that these were all within egg-toss distance of one another was pretty 
> danged impressive.
> The other impressive thing was just down in the 1600 block North Main - 
> the Rivendell Book, Bike & Hatchet store.  Found 
> gifts-I-didn't-know-I-needed for my wife and a friend (yeah, yeah... and 
> something for me too.)  Grant and Will were manning the store, helping 
> interested folks and selling stuff as we chatted. Bumped into a 
> list-member, too!  An hour passed by way too quickly.  If you haven't been 
> over there, it's worth a trip.
> - Jim /

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