Thanks for the reminder of the Nitto adapter--if I go adapter I'll go Nitto. 
The Winter stems look nice; too costly for me now. 

Mike: the Origin8 stem I linked to is a 31.8 quill. 

Thanks again,


> On Dec 21, 2013, at 6:30 AM, Matthew J <> wrote:
> If it were me, I would drop Eric Estlund at Winter Bicycles a line and get a 
> custom.  I have two Winter stems now, will have three sometime next year.  
> Could not be happier.
>> On Friday, December 20, 2013 7:46:40 PM UTC-6, Christian wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> So, I'm thinking of getting a Jones bar for my Hunq. 
>> Currently, it's a set up with 
>> Noodles--which I love--but I want something more trail oriented.  Yes, I can 
>> ride trails with my Noodles.  I have Albatross bars on my LHT so I am 
>> familiar with those too.  And I'm aware of Rivendell's Nitto Bullmoose--cool 
>> bars, but the Jones are even wider with more hand positions.  
>> What I'm really wondering about is experience folks might have with 1" to 1 
>> 1/8" conversions using either a stem adapter like this 
>>  or using a quill stem with an open face 31.8 clamp diameter like this: 
>> Pro of the stem adapter is that I can then whatever stem I want; pro of a 
>> quill open face is that it's cheaper and perhaps slightly (but ever so) more 
>> elegant.  
>> Are folks aware of other quill open face 31.8 stems--something NOS?  Salsa 
>> made an open face quill for sometime but I'm pretty it was only in 
>> 25.4--maybe 26.  
>> Thanks for any advice.  I think I've got it covered, but thought I'd run it 
>> by this always helpful bunch.
>> Christian 
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