(Mainstream) USA production heritage will inevitably be filtered
through the lens of Schwinn - Eisentraut started out at the famous
Oscar Wastyn (Schwinn) shop, for example.
Later during the 1970's, upstart framebuilders (like Ritchey, or many
MTB pioneers, or even niche builders like Sam Braxton) should be taken
into consideration as precursors, foreshadows, or even forgotten
premonitions of what all we now see re-emerging in the marketplace,
the "bike boom" of our generation, the present-day "new Golden Age".

=- Joe Bunik
Walnut Creek, CA

On 12/17/13, Jim M. <mather...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 9:40:25 AM UTC-8, Steve Palincsar wrote:
>>  On 12/17/2013 12:22 PM, Jim M. wrote:
>> But the question isn't just who are among the best American frame builders
>> today; it's in the 1960s.  And in the 1960s, Peter Weigle had yet to move
>> to England, along with Richard Sachs, to learn how to build frames.  As
>> was
>> mentioned, Albert Eisentraut does date to that period, having begun in
>> 1959.
> Yes, Steve, I agree with you. I'm just pointing out the difference between
> the questions asked, using an example from today.
> I have an Eisentraut, too, though from the '70s. From what I know of his
> history, he built race frames almost exclusively. He was probably the best
> American frame builder of the day, but I don't see him as compararble to
> Riv.
> jim m
> wc ca
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