Thank you for the great suggestion, Michael. All suggestions are welcome. You are spot on, I use 34db wax/cotton ear plugs and Bose noise reduction headphones. The challenge construction brings to me is infrasound (sound deeper than human hearing), also generated by some motorcycles and large trucks (hense why I generally avoid paved roads unless very remote or very early in the morning before dawn).
Interestingly (perhaps only to me) I couldn't wear plugs or earphones (because I use some form of echo location to help compensate for the vertigo) until I began going barefoot and the echo location stopped being my primary form of compensation. Thanks again! With abandon, Patrick On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 8:47:53 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote: > > Patrick, >> > I know what I am about to write is probably very stupid, and I am sorry > to insult you by even mentioning this suggestion. I know that you are > suffering from a profound brain injury that I am sure doesn't respond > to lightweight treatments. > So please forgive me to even think of mentioning this very remote, > shot-in-the-dark, minimizing, massive oversimplification of a treatment. > > I am thinking you have already tried this to no avail, or it may aggravate > the vertigo, but have really heavy duty earplugs ever helped at all? > I wonder if the 30dB ones could take the edge off of sound in a way that > may help things be more manageable. Of course the vibrations may play a > role in disorienting the brain, too. And I don't know what effect the air > pocket earplugs create in the ear canal would have on the vertigo, if any, > since your vertigo is from the brain, and not ear structures I think. > > Just thought I would throw it out there in the remotest possibility it > could actually help. We all want to see your quality of life improve by > leaps and bounds. > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit