Makings of a good thread, Michael! 

First one to mention Kool-Aid owes the board a beer.


1. Swept-back handlebars: Basically, the Albatross, which I had decided 
upon first glance were just klunkier Moustache bars, but have since come to 
find have more usable hand positions (for me) than drops.
2. Retention-free pedals: I don't dislike clips 'n straps, though as a 
confirmed masher, SPDs and their ilk just never worked for me. RMX sneaker 
pedals suit my riding almost perfectly. 
3. Saddle covers: Hey, they work! It rains here, a lot. Too bad they no 
longer make the grey MUSA. Have yet to find a non-stretchy one which fits 
quite as well on a Brooks without a lot of flop.


1. Wider tires: On anything but a mountain bike, I'm still happiest on 32s. 
Still wider than the norm, but not RBW-approved Schwalbe Harry Hovercraft 
or whatever.
2. Bells: I can get used to almost anything on any bike... except the sight 
of a bell in my periphery. Totally irrational, but totally distracting to 
me. Perhaps it's the cockpit asymmetry? Besides, I rather like a good yell.
3. Big saddle bags: The more I ride, the less I want to bring with or back. 
No jaunt to date has had me mourning the lack of a bivouac or splitting 
maul. Though soon to be car-free, so my attitude will likely change the 
first time I'm out of bread, coffee and three other things.

Jeff Hagedorn
Warragul, VIC Australia

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