the only time I used black was when I had to buy Shimano housing by the 
foot - it's the only housing flexible enough to work with the interrupter 
brake setup on my daughter's bike

On Sunday, November 3, 2013 12:36:27 PM UTC-6, Chris Halasz wrote:
> Both bikes, Bombadil bike, Bromton bike, be black (alliteration 
> intentional). 
> The color is always in stock for touch-up paint, even though it's a shade, 
> not a color. 
> Both have silver SKS fenders, though. And silver cranks and racks. 
> Both have olive green Carradice bags. Brown Brooks CS saddles. MKS pedals. 
> This is sounding like a pattern. Predictable, too. I sometimes get them 
> confused in the early morning, until I try to fold the Bombadil at the bus 
> stop. 
> Finally getting to the point: All cables are black. I think this would be 
> the default. 
> Anyone have silver cables on a black bike? Or know of a pic? 
> (my pics at 
> Cheers, 
> Chris 

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