
Wipe the chain enough to lay a ruler up to it, line the zero mark up on a 
pin center and see where the 12" mark hits relative the nearest pin. Sage 
advice is replace the chain if 1/16" stretch is detected. A field-expedient 
that is less precise is to pull the middle of the chain wrapped around your 
big chainring away from the teeth and see how far it goes; a little is 
fine, halfway off the tooth not so good, over a tooth is excessive.  This 
demonstration includes wear of chainring teeth and should be followed by 
more careful assessment. 

Wear beyond 1/16" eats chainrings and cassette cogs at a faster rate. At 
1/8" stretch, the drivetrain degrades in finer functions in normal use and 
begin to misbehave like chain suck when "Just Riding Along" (term of art in 
bike repair).

If the chain is beyond the normal length between its pins, it doesn't lay 
well around the tooth profile of the chainrings. Wrapped around a granny 
gear, the stretched chain is forced into a smaller set of tooth gaps by 
riding a little bit high on each tooth provided you are really easing along 
on the pedals. The force generated by the granny ring sinks those links 
farther onto the non-matching teeth beyond being freely engaging. So as the 
chainring rotates from the top where it is pulling the run of chain off the 
cassette cog, it is creating a binding fit of the chain onto itself to the 
point of sticking to the ring until knocked off by your frame. 

Continued riding will erode the teeth of rings and cogs.

Andy Cheatham

On Thursday, October 31, 2013 6:35:22 PM UTC-4, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> This isn’t happening when shifting, it’s new and happening when well 
> established in gear with gear mostly happy (it makes some noise in lowest 
> gear that it doesn’t in higher ones), cranking up a steep hill. Especially 
> happens if I stand to peddle. All suggestions welcome.
> Possible fixes would seem to be:
> — remove, clean, lube chain (it’s been 18 months)
> — monkey with front derailure adjustment. Help here appreciated. I’m over 
> my head on that one.
> — Other ideas?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> **
> **

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