It was my first century ride. Thanks everyone for all the tips on un-racer 
training for a century.

I did my regular commuting and then did long rides on the weekends. I did 
two 25 milers, a 36, a couple of 40's, a 62, a 63 and a 70 miler in 
preparation. I was very nervous all week before going on the ride. But once 
we hit the starting line all the fear evaporated and it was pure riding joy 
the whole time. I cruised in comfort on the Sam. 

*The Ride:*

I rode the Assateague Century Course - Salisbury University to Assateague 
Island loop. They also have a Snow Hill Century course, which I hope to try 
next year.

Beautiful weather. Clear skies and sunny. 60's-80's if I remember correctly.
Headwinds were practically non-existent and only felt in a couple areas. No 
hard efforts required. Some people have said that some years they are very 
bad. But this year there was almost nothing. I was very thankful.
It was pure riding joy, cruising along through the beautiful scenery on 
I went with a riding buddy, Dewey. We stuck together the whole time and had 
a blast. He has done the Seagull Century every year since they started (25 
years ago), except I think he said he missed 2 or 3 times.
Everyone was in high spirits. Cheerful and friendly. I think over 8,000 
people. But didn't seem crowded. Everyone was really spaced out. It was 
fully supported and had 4 or 5 rest stops. Lots of locals were out on their 
lawns and cheered us on as we went by. 
 The route took us through forested areas, farmland, and over to the beach 
at Assateague Island, and back to the school. Roads were in great condition. 

I saw no Rivendells. Bummer. I saw a Disc Trucker, some recumbents, a few 
tandems, lotsa modern geometry race style bikes, some older steel road 
bikes, a kid on a Next bike, an elderly woman riding the century, a Ragbrai 
person, and a Seattle to Portland person. I even saw two kids on really 
small road bikes that looked about 10 years old in pacelines!! 
*The Bike:* 
I rode my 41 Noodle Blue Sam that I got last spring. After getting my fit 
squared away on it, I can now say that it is the most comfortable bike I 
have ever ridden. I have had some seriously wonderful rides this year. Just 
so great to be able to go for long rides in comfort and not hurt.
I have been commuting on it this summer and took it on the training rides.
 On the century I had some normal bike riding minimal shoulder soreness a 
couple of times, which went away after a few arm windmills and moving my 
head around to look at the scenery for a few minutes. Also, my feet were a 
little sore after the ride. I guess because of so much pedaling all at one 
time. Those things are nothing to complain about though.
I would highly recommend the Seagull Century ride for  a first time century 
rider. All flat and you can just cruise right along. Plenty of support and 
well organized.
I think it was the best ride I have ever had. I thank the Lord for blessing 
me with such great riding this year and I hope there will be more to come.
A few pics from the ride:



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