Wow, great pictures. And your second daughter has a great eye.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Deacon Patrick <> wrote:
> As my wife reminded me upon my return, I've been trying to get out and
> immerse myself in Colorado's glorious aspen colors for over five years, but
> my brain or daughters births prevented it. Not this year!
> The spot will look familiar to you if you've been gracious to view other
> trips -- but not these colors. Wow. Visual symphony of color. Glowing gold
> and orange with brilliant deep blue sky above and deep rich evergreen
> dappled around and behind with grasses of tan and rust all combine to
> delight the eye and feed the soul.
> I base camped, having a lazy ride in as my family hiked in (more technical
> than they all like to ride -- yet) to spend the day with me before they
> departed back home (we don't yet have gear for everyone for the 20˚F
> nights). They departed in the late afternoon of day one and I settled in for
> a few days of solitude and brain cushion recovery.
> Day 2, I woke at dawn, though the sun would still be 2 hours peaking over
> the hill (what I get for camping on the west side of a 14,000 peak!). My
> choices were to be lazy in my warm bag or get up and ride myself warm. I
> rode. Climbing that next ridge will always warm you up! Once I couldn't ride
> up the steep trail of Sentinel, I tied off the Hunqapillar and hoofed it the
> rest of the way to the tundra. Amazing views of the Sangre de Cristo and
> Collegiante ranges, as well as Lost Creek Wilderness, and South Park. After
> returning to my bike, I felt good so headed to Horsethief Falls, getting
> back to camp about 5pm. Standard day's food for dinner of beef jerky,
> butter, and dried potatoes.
> Day three: a leisurely breakdown of camp as I wanted things to thaw/dry
> before I hauled out extra weight, then up and over the three ridges before
> the trail ended and I rode Edlow road and Hwy 24 back home.
> Amazing trip and my brain has a bit more cushion again! We'll see if the
> snow allows more overnight trips or not this year.
> My second eldest daughter had a blast taking photos of me riding, and she
> has a real artistic eye emerging.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
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-- Anne Paulson

It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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