A guy who rides with our Tuesday evening group comes with his bike in his 
decrepit old hatchback, but his other car is a Lotus Elise, which is funny 
to me. It is the auto equivalent of the ultra-llight weight racing bike for 
smooth pavement only, no ability to carry a bike or luggage. Car Kool-Aid, 
but he rides a Richard Sachs CX bike with a JB paint job, subscribes to BQ 
and is a committed lugged steel bike guy who continues to give any bike a 
try that is available for a test ride. I think he has been to at least the 
last six or seven Cirques du Cyclism and always asks if  I am available for 
D2R2 (not this year).

If I am more of a generalist, seeking greatest utility of my purchases, 
then I have a Kool-Aid smile too. And a Subaru wagon, a first year Ram with 
aluminum fenders, an English leather saddle and try to travel with what I 
can fit in and on my Nelson Long flap.

Andy Cheatham 

On Monday, September 9, 2013 9:46:00 PM UTC-4, meehan...@gmail.com wrote:
> If the person making the comment is riding an over-geared, uncomfortable, 
> ultra-light-weight racing bike that is of no use on anything other than 
> smooth pavement, with no tire clearance, no fender clearance, and no 
> ability to mount racks or bags, while wearing shoes that make it difficult 
> for them to walk, and is not actively participating in a bike race; then 
> who has drunk the Koolaid?
> Shaun Meehan
> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Eric Platt <eperic...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Around here, a short beard, grey & white, will probably get the comment - 
>> "so you work for Surly?"    Only have had a couple of comments over the 
>> years on my Rivendell bikes.  And they are usually by riders either on 
>> custom steel frames, or fixed-gear messenger types.  Most "regular" 
>> cyclists around here have no idea or interest in Rivendell.  
>> While there are a lot of modern technology bikes around here, there are 
>> still a lot of riders on steel.  Surly, old Trek and now All City being the 
>> three I most often notice.  In fact, All City may be making a push to 
>> replace the Surly Cross Check as what I would consider the ubiquitous Twin 
>> Cities bicycle.
>> Eric Platt
>> St. Paul, MN
>> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:47 PM, dougP <doug...@cox.net <javascript:>>wrote:
>>> Even a short beard wards off "those people", especially if it's grey & 
>>> white :-).  Rear view mirror, wool socks w/sandals & they don't even have 
>>> to see your bike to "just know".  
>>> dougP
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