Loads of good ideas, as usual on this list.  Tom, a photo would be great; I
like the home remedy!  Several recommendations, then, for the medium or
large Saddlesack (also a handsome bag). Swift Industries Mini Rolltop
panniers are the other choice I have in mind: MUSA; waxed canvas option;
two panniers for the price (+ options) of one Saddlesack. Really a question
of preference, as both are attractive options.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Tom Harrop <twhar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> I use a bungee ball on the bottom of my large SaddleSack. The cord loops
> through the leather on the bottom of the bag and around the top of the
> rack. It holds nice and secure. It's not exactly quick release, but it's
> quickER release... personally I find it more time-consuming (we're talking
> seconds here) but less irritating than the Ortlieb pannier system. I use my
> SaddleSack for commuting and take the bag off whenever I leave the bike,
> including for quick stops at the grocery store on the way home. It may be
> too much of a fiddle for some people though.
> Before I thought of the bungee ball I was using a John's Irish strap. That
> was also OK, but it's more difficult to feed the strap through the buckle
> than it is to engage a bungee ball, so the bungee ball was a step in the
> right direction. It was further improved when I started using a
> half-cut-off zip tie to feed the bungee cord through the rack. I'm not
> explaining this very well—be happy to post a photo if it helps.
> Tom
> Germany
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