Leah and Cecily, Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful posts. I'm trying to convince my partner to get a Betty, but she just can't get past the $3k. Yet. It's been useful for me to read each of your stories about the different bikes you've ridden. I'll be patient; perhaps as she rides more, she'll find herself wanting a better bike.
I was an avid recreational cyclist in my 20's and early 30's and spent hours on my Trek Antelope riding the miles and miles of paved and unpaved paths in the metro area. When I couldn't find a handlebar set up that would relieve the pressure on my hands, I had to give up cycling. I visited a number of stores here in Denver, but Denver in the 90's was all about racing or MTB's with flat-ish bars and most shops here were clearly in one tribe or the other. Staff in roadie shops would barely give me the time of day. If I'd had access to some Albatross or Bosco type bars, I'd probably still have that Trek! I tried riding one of those comfort bikes. Good grief, what a terrible bike! I quit riding for several years but kept hoping I'd find some answer. One day, I recalled being in a National Park somewhere, (I don't recall which one) and I remembered seeing a couple on some pretty strange looking long bikes loaded with touring gear. I figured out they were called recumbent bikes, finally found a *small* local dealer, test rode an Easy Racer, couldn't afford it, but did buy a similar bent from another company. I've had four bents. Still have two, though the Rans V2 needs to go on Craiglist. They're incredibly comfortable and I enjoy riding them but I've always, always missed the agility of an upright bike, being able to steer with your hips, and making almost 90 degree turns. And, other than some Dutch low racers, I've never thought they were attractive. I've known about RBW for several years and have spent way too much time on their website wishing I could ride a diamond frame bike. If I can, it's going to be my 47cm AHH with Albatross bars. Or the Boscos if the Albas don't work. I ordered it 3 weeks ago, and I'm hoping to get that UPS email soon! > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com. Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.