
It was good to meet you and would enjoy your presence on this S240. Doug
has a point, you can ride your bike for evening festivities then (with
appropriate lighting) ride the mile or so to the Inn and reconvene for

David mentioned a single track called the  "No
Tools" trail on the San Clemente Singletrack. It parallels
Christianitos Rd though I don't know the distance ect... I know I'll be
riding the 30 odd miles to camp so theoretically I could unload the Hilsen
then do a short single track ride. As long as I have time to go swimming
and of course daylight to cook or ride to town for a meal.

I'd like to get a count of those joining for the ride down and  meeting at

Sunland, Ca

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 7:56 PM, dougP <> wrote:

> Mitch:
> Just get on down here & we'll make it happen.  My interpretation of "the
> S24O spirit" is just to get out for an overnight & break the routine.
> Camping gear is easy to borrow.  Lodging is fine if it gets you away but
> you miss all the campfire fun.  But, wait, yes, you have lights!  You can
> hang out, cruise back to town (a whopping mile away) & we'll see you for
> breakfast.
> dougP
> On Thursday, August 1, 2013 7:08:38 PM UTC-7, Mitch Browne wrote:
>> Hugh,
>> I don't have any camping gear but Tom's suggestion re: San Clemente Inn
>> sounds interesting given it's only a mile away.
>> Although I went through training at Camp Pendleton
>> longer-ago-Than-I-care-to-**remember I don't know this area at all.
>> Would this violate the S240 spirit? I did enjoy the brief visit up here
>> last week with you, Evan, and omnipresent DougP.
>> I'd have to see how this shakes out with the beginning of school.
>> Mitch Browne
>> San Luis Obispo, CA
>> On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 5:12:14 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote:
>>> SoCal Rivesters,
>>> I was thinking of a S240 for Friday the 23rd at San Mateo Campground
>>> near San Onofre State Beach. For those in the North we could meet at Doug
>>> P's home and ride the 30 miles to the site. Those in the South could either
>>> meet us at the Metro link station in Irvine and ride down with us or ride
>>> the Metro link to Oceanside and ride through Camp Pendleton to the site, a
>>> few options to choose from. Suggestions are  welcome. Once there we can
>>> jump in the Pacific and rollick in the surf. I figure this would be a good
>>> date before the Labor Day weekend.
>>> Here's the rub though, there is only one site available at this moment
>>> so I need a count quick before I reserve it.
>>> Thanks for looking,
>>> ~Hugh
>>  --
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